Long ago, there was a king who wore a helmet meant to resemble the head of an Aggron. He was trying to channel the Pokémon’s strength.
Aggron has a horn sharp enough to perforate thick iron sheets. It brings down its opponents by ramming into them horn first.
Aggron is protective of its environment. If its mountain is ravaged by a landslide or a fire, this Pokémon will haul topsoil to the area, plant trees, and beautifully restore its own territory.
Aggron claims an entire mountain as its own territory. It mercilessly beats up anything that violates its environment. This Pokémon vigilantly patrols its territory at all times.
Protects the Pokémon from recoil damage.
The Pokémon cannot be knocked out by a single hit as long as its HP is full. One-hit KO moves will also fail to knock it out.
Reduces the power of supereffective attacks that hit the Pokémon.
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