This Pokémon uses its massive icy body to flatten anything that gets in its way. When it’s floating out on the ocean, it looks exactly like drift ice.
As Avalugg walks along with Bergmite on its back, it comes across pods of Cetitan. It lets them pass to avoid conflict.
The armor of ice covering its lower jaw puts steel to shame and can shatter rocks with ease. This Pokémon barrels along steep mountain paths, cleaving through the deep snow.
The armor of ice covering its lower jaw puts steel to shame and can shatter rocks with ease. This Pokémon barrels along steep mountain paths, cleaving through the deep snow.
The Pokémon sticks to its own tempo, preventing it from becoming confused or being affected by Intimidate.
The Pokémon gradually regains HP in snow.
The Pokémon gradually regains HP in snow.
The Pokémon’s strong jaw boosts the power of its biting moves.
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