It uses its own body fluid to repair its apple. Strong Flapple that have won many battles have apples that are clay colored all over.
It flutters around while seeking an opening in the opponent’s guard, then attacks by spitting acidic liquid strong enough to melt metal.
If it stretches its neck, the strong aroma of its nectar pours out. The scent is so sickeningly sweet that one whiff makes other Pokémon faint.
Under the influence of Gigantamax energy, it produces much more sweet nectar, and its shape has changed to resemble a giant apple.
If the Pokémon is holding a Berry to be eaten when its HP is low, it will instead eat the Berry when its HP drops to half or less.
Ripens Berries and doubles their effect.
Ripens Berries and doubles their effect.
If the Pokémon is holding a Berry to be eaten when its HP is low, it will instead eat the Berry when its HP drops to half or less.
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