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Você precisa ter uma conta do Clube de Treinadores de Pokémon para guardar seus Pokémon favoritos!
Acessar conta Registre-se Não, obrigadoThis Pokémon never leaves its Trainer’s side. It predicts their actions with its psychic power and takes care of their day-to-day needs.
This Pokémon picks up on the positive emotions of other creatures via its horns and uses those emotions to fuel itself.
In search of happy feelings—such as joy and gratitude—Indeedee bustles around, taking diligent care of people and other Pokémon.
It dislikes conflict. If a fight occurs in its territory, it uses psychic power to throw things at the combatants in an effort to drive them away.
The Pokémon’s intense focus prevents it from flinching or being affected by Intimidate.
If the Pokémon is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned by another Pokémon, that Pokémon will be inflicted with the same status condition.
If the Pokémon is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned by another Pokémon, that Pokémon will be inflicted with the same status condition.
The Pokémon sticks to its own tempo, preventing it from becoming confused or being affected by Intimidate.
Você precisa ter uma conta do Clube de Treinadores de Pokémon para guardar seus Pokémon favoritos!
Acessar conta Registre-se Não, obrigadoFaça o login na sua conta do Clube de Treinadores de Pokémon para adicionar Pokémon à sua coleção!
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