It has a calm and collected demeanor. It swiftly closes in on its prey, then slices them with the rocks in its mane.
Lycanroc attacks its prey with its sharp claws and fangs. It loyally obeys the instructions of a Trainer it trusts.
This Lycanroc has an extremely vicious temperament. It will happily sustain injuries for the sake of taking down its opponent.
This Pokémon uses its rocky mane to slash any who approach. It will even disobey its Trainer if it dislikes the orders it was given.
These Pokémon have both calm and ferocious qualities. It’s said that this form of Lycanroc is the most troublesome to raise.
Normally this Pokémon doesn’t even bark, but once it enters battle, it will relentlessly drive the opponent into a corner.
The Pokémon’s keen eyes prevent its accuracy from being lowered.
Boosts the Pokémon’s Speed stat in a sandstorm.
The Pokémon’s keen eyes prevent its accuracy from being lowered.
The Pokémon is full of vitality, and that prevents it from falling asleep.
Powers up moves that make direct contact.
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