Its DNA is almost the same as Mew’s. However, its size and disposition are vastly different.
Its DNA is almost the same as Mew’s. However, its size and disposition are vastly different.
Psychic power has augmented its muscles. It has a grip strength of one ton and can sprint a hundred meters in two seconds flat!
Psychic power has augmented its muscles. It has a grip strength of one ton and can sprint a hundred meters in two seconds flat!
Despite its diminished size, its mental power has grown phenomenally. With a mere thought, it can smash a skyscraper to smithereens.
Despite its diminished size, its mental power has grown phenomenally. With a mere thought, it can smash a skyscraper to smithereens.
Puts other Pokémon under pressure, causing them to expend more PP to use their moves.
The Pokémon’s determination boosts its Speed stat every time it flinches.
The Pokémon’s insomnia prevents it from falling asleep.
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