It’s so stinky! Muk’s body contains toxic elements, and any plant will wilt when it passes by.
It’s thickly covered with a filthy, vile sludge. It is so toxic, even its footprints contain poison.
What look like fangs and claws are actually crystallized poison that will afflict you at a mere touch, so don’t get too close.
There are over a hundred kinds of poison inside its body. Chemical reactions between different poisons are the source of its vitality.
The Pokémon’s held items cling to its sticky body and cannot be removed by other Pokémon.
By releasing a stench when attacking, the Pokémon may cause the target to flinch.
If the Pokémon is holding a Berry to be eaten when its HP is low, it will instead eat the Berry when its HP drops to half or less.
May poison a target when the Pokémon makes contact.
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