It has incredible intellect and intuition. Whatever the situation, it remains calm and collected.
When its head was bitten, toxins entered Slowpoke’s head and unlocked an extraordinary power.
It creates potions by mixing toxins with the food it’s eaten. Not even Slowking itself knows what effects the potions will have.
It administers its potions to weakened Pokémon it sees. These potions are derived from poison and secreted from holes in Slowking’s horns.
The Pokémon is oblivious, keeping it from being infatuated, falling for taunts, or being affected by Intimidate.
The Pokémon sticks to its own tempo, preventing it from becoming confused or being affected by Intimidate.
The Pokémon sticks to its own tempo, preventing it from becoming confused or being affected by Intimidate.
When the Pokémon enters a battle, it scatters medicine from its shell, which removes all stat changes from allies.
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