It is always vacantly lost in thought, but no one knows what it is thinking about. It is good at fishing with its tail.
It is incredibly slow and dopey. It takes five seconds for it to feel pain when under attack.
It uses its tail to fish, but the scent of the spice emanating from its tail ensures its catches are always lacking.
It gives off a stimulating scent because of chemicals that have seeped into its body from the spice that it eats as its staple food.
The Pokémon sticks to its own tempo, preventing it from becoming confused or being affected by Intimidate.
The Pokémon is oblivious, keeping it from being infatuated, falling for taunts, or being affected by Intimidate.
If the Pokémon is holding a Berry to be eaten when its HP is low, it will instead eat the Berry when its HP drops to half or less.
The Pokémon sticks to its own tempo, preventing it from becoming confused or being affected by Intimidate.
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