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Acessar conta Registre-se Não, obrigadoIt walks in zigzag fashion. It’s good at finding items in the grass and even in the ground.
It walks in zigzag fashion. It’s good at finding items in the grass and even in the ground.
Thought to be the oldest form of Zigzagoon, it moves in zigzags and wreaks havoc upon its surroundings.
Its restlessness has it constantly running around. If it sees another Pokémon, it will purposely run into them in order to start a fight.
The Pokémon may pick up an item another Pokémon used during a battle. It may pick up items outside of battle, too.
If the Pokémon is holding a Berry to be eaten when its HP is low, it will instead eat the Berry when its HP drops to half or less.
The Pokémon may pick up an item another Pokémon used during a battle. It may pick up items outside of battle, too.
If the Pokémon is holding a Berry to be eaten when its HP is low, it will instead eat the Berry when its HP drops to half or less.
Você precisa ter uma conta do Clube de Treinadores de Pokémon para guardar seus Pokémon favoritos!
Acessar conta Registre-se Não, obrigadoFaça o login na sua conta do Clube de Treinadores de Pokémon para adicionar Pokémon à sua coleção!
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