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Войти в систему Зарегистрируйся Не сейчасIt’s so vicious that it’s called the Thug of the River. Yet Basculin is still targeted by predators, such as Dondozo and Bombirdier.
Its temperament is vicious and aggressive. This Pokémon is also full of vitality and can multiply rapidly before anyone notices.
The power of its jaws is immense—enough to leave teeth marks in iron sheets. Its personality is also extremely vicious.
These Pokémon form schools with others of the same color. The greatest foe of a school of blue Basculin is a school of red Basculin.
Its ecology is starkly different from that of other Basculin, so theories that it’s a totally different species have gained traction in recent years.
They live in frigid seas, forming schools and sharing food among themselves. When the time comes, they return to the river they were born in.
Powers up moves that have recoil damage.
Powers up moves of the same type as the Pokémon.
Protects the Pokémon from recoil damage.
Powers up moves of the same type as the Pokémon.
Powers up moves of the same type as the Pokémon.
The Pokémon gets scared when hit by a Dark-, Ghost-, or Bug-type attack or if intimidated, which boosts its Speed stat.
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