Looking for a quiet place to train, Ash and friends reach an untouched island, once inhabited by ancient Pokémon that have since become extinct. With his keen eyes, Max spots a Cradily, a Pokémon thought to be extinct, hiding in the brush—or does he? While his friends casually dismiss his claim, Max sets out to find this “extinct” Pokémon and salvage his reputation. Elsewhere, Ash, May, and Brock slowly come to believe Max’s story as they meet scientists who claim they are able to revive fossils of the extinct Pokémon Cradily, Lileep, Anorith and Armaldo. Meanwhile, armed with a very eco-unfriendly ship, Team Rocket attempts to steal these very same anachronous Pokémon. Can our heroes transcend millennia and convince these ancient creatures to join them in the fight against Team Rocket?