The famed trio of Trainers from Pallet Town are celebrating the four-year anniversary of Pokémon Masters EX with dapper Neo Champion outfits and legendary new Pokémon partners! These next-generation Champions also boast EX roles, an additional role that can be unlocked after a sync pair is raised to 6★ EX!
Red (Champion) & Articuno

Red is perfectly familiar with the path to becoming the best, so he looks right at home in his Neo Champion outfit alongside the chilly Legendary Pokémon Articuno. Red (Champion) & Articuno are a strike sync pair that can lower the Ice Type Rebuff of their target twice each battle with their Shimmering White Snow passive skill—once with their first use of an attack and once with their first use of their sync move. They can then put opponents on ice with their buddy move, Frozen Wings Ice Beam, which is guaranteed to leave its target frozen.
Recommended Sync Pairs to Partner with Red (Champion) & Articuno
Hala & Crabominable
Red (Champion) & Articuno can deal a lot of damage on their own, but Shimmering White Snow allows other icy Pokémon to join in on the snow day. There are a plethora of Ice-type strike sync pairs to choose from, but Hala & Crabominable can really bring the pain with Ice Hammer. Together, these two sync pairs can create an avalanche of damage to quickly and easily bring down opponents that can’t handle the cold. Hala & Crabominable are available to scout from the general pool of 5★ sync pairs, as well as from the 5★-Guaranteed Ticket Scout and the 5★-Guaranteed Alola Ticket Scout. -
Melony & Lapras
Offense-focused sync pairs generally need support in the defense department, and Red (Champion) & Articuno are no exception. Melony & Lapras can raise the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by two stat ranks with I Won’t Hold Back!, smoothing over Red (Champion) & Articuno’s defense-related deficiencies. Their G-Max Resonance can pack even more of a punch after Red (Champion) & Articuno’s passive has lowered a foe’s Ice Type Rebuff. That max move also applies both the Physical Damage Reduction and Special Damage Reduction effect to the allied field of play for additional fortification. Melony & Lapras are available to scout from the general pool of 5★ sync pairs, as well as from the 5★-Guaranteed Ticket Scout and the 5★-Guaranteed Galar Ticket Scout.
Leaf (Champion) & Moltres

Leaf is turning up the heat with her fiery Neo Champion outfit and brand-new Legendary Pokémon partner, Moltres. Leaf (Champion) & Moltres are a Fire-type tech sync pair with the Sky-Illuminating White Blaze passive skill, which lowers the Fire Type Rebuff of their opponent the first time Leaf (Champion) & Moltres use a status move and the first time they use their sync move. They also excel at weakening their foes thanks to their Love of Pallet passive skill, which reduces their target’s Attack, Sp. Atk, and Sp. Def by one stat rank when Leaf (Champion) & Moltres use their status move.
Recommended Sync Pairs to Partner with Leaf (Champion) & Moltres
Silver & Ho-Oh
Silver & Ho-Oh are a powerful Fire-type strike sync pair that benefits greatly from partnering up with Leaf (Champion) & Moltres. A lowered Fire Type Rebuff allows Sacred Fire, Overheat, and Power-Hungry Sacred Fire to hit even harder. Overheat gains even more power thanks to Leaf (Champion) & Moltres’s Love of Pallet passive skill. Additionally, Leaf (Champion) & Moltres’s buddy move, Fiery Wings Flare Blitz, makes the weather sunny the first time it’s used, further boosting Silver & Ho-Oh’s Fire-type moves and activating their powerful passive skills. Silver & Ho-Oh can be acquired after completing Pure Hearts and Rainbow Wings in the Legendary Adventures portion of the main story. -
Blaine & Rapidash
Leaf (Champion) & Moltres can do a lot on their own, but Blaine & Rapidash can really make them shine. Sunny Day can quickly turn up the heat of Fire-type attacks while simultaneously activating Leaf (Champion) & Moltres’s Team Solar Immunity passive skill, which protects all their allies from status conditions. Blaine & Rapidash are available to scout from the general pool of 4★ sync pairs as well as from the no-cost Daily Scout.
Blue (Champion) & Zapdos

Get charged up with Blue’s snazzy Neo Champion outfit and thundering Legendary Pokémon partner, Zapdos. Blue (Champion) & Zapdos are an Electric-type support sync pair whose Roaring White Lightning passive skill reduces the Electric Type rebuff of foes once after Blue (Champion) & Zapdos use an attack move for the first time and once after they first use their sync move. Their Pride of Pallet passive skill also ups all allies’ Defense and Sp. Def by one stat rank when Blue (Champion) & Zapdos’s attack is successful.
Recommended Sync Pairs to Partner with Blue (Champion) & Zapdos
Hau & Raichu
Blue (Champion) & Zapdos’s Glory of Leadership! Trainer move raises the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by three stat ranks, the Sp. Atk of all allied sync pairs by up to six stat ranks, and the Special Moves ↑ Next effect of all allied sync pairs by two ranks—and Hau & Raichu’s Thundershock, Discharge, and Endless Summer Gigavolt Havoc all benefit from these effects. With Blue (Champion) & Zapdos’s Roaring White Lightning also reducing an opponent’s Electric Type Rebuff, Hau & Raichu can deal even more damage that much faster. Hau & Raichu can be acquired after completing Chapter 11 of the main story. -
Volkner & Luxray
Teaming this Electric-type tech sync pair up with Blue (Champion) & Zapdos makes your Electric-type team an even greater force. Volkner & Luxray’s Electric Terrain increases the damage of all Electric-type attacks, including Blue (Champion) & Zapdos’s Discharge and Name-Echoing Thunder. Though Blue (Champion) & Zapdos don’t deal a lot of damage, firing off their attacks will bring in the benefits of their Pride of Pallet passive skill. Those defense boosts add up! Luxray & Volkner are available to scout from the general pool of 5★ sync pairs, as well as from the 5★-Guaranteed Ticket Scout and the 5★-Guaranteed Sinnoh Ticket Scout.
Have a legendary good time, Trainers!