It’s not easy being the child of a highly skilled Trainer, and Barry has been feeling that pressure with the arrival of his father—the Frontier Brain Palmer—on Pasio. Barry worries that he may not be able to live up to his father’s legacy, but luckily his friends and Palmer’s Battle Frontier peer, Argenta, are here to help him see the truth. Find out how Barry’s story unfolds in Pokémon Masters EX’s newest story event, Tower Tycoon and Hall Matron!
Palmer & Regigigas

Palmer & Regigigas really bring titanic power to the battlefield! Palmer & Regigigas are a Normal-type strike sync pair who boast gargantuan damage potential and the powerful Trainer move, Normal Wish, which creates a Normal Zone that powers up all Normal-type attacks, including Palmer & Regigigas’s Crush Grip. This punishing move’s damage goes down the lower an opponent’s HP is, so use this move early to maximize grip strength!
As is typical of Regigigas, this pair’s most powerful move starts slow but is worth the wait. Palmer & Regigigas’s buddy move, G Giga Impact, reduces their target’s Defense by six stat ranks while restoring their own HP by approximately 50% of its maximum—but this move can only be used after Palmer & Regigigas use five moves. Though it takes a while for this move to ramp up, the battle will almost certainly be over once it’s ready.
For more details on this sync pair’s passive skills and moves, check out Palmer & Regigigas’s in-game sync pair scout screen. Palmer & Regigigas are available to scout until October 5, 2023, at 10:59 p.m. PDT.
Recommended Sync Pairs to Partner with Palmer & Regigigas
Hugh & Bouffalant
To push Hugh & Bouffalant’s damage to the limit, there’s no better support than Palmer & Regigigas. Not only can Palmer & Regigigas create a Normal Zone to increase the damage of Hugh & Bouffalant’s Head Charge, they will also fully reduce the Defense of their primary target with G Giga Impact. This strategy sends Hugh & Boufallant’s Normal-type damage through the roof—though don’t forget the massive recoil damage Head Charge inflicts, so be judicious! Hugh & Bouffalant are available to scout from the general pool of 5★ sync pairs, as well as from the 5★-Guaranteed Ticket Scout and the 5★-Guaranteed Unova Ticket Scout. -
Skyla & Swanna
Regigigas & Palmer are powerful, but they also require significant move gauge support to keep Crush Grip going. Skyla & Swanna can help on that front by bringing the speed with Take Flight!, which raises the Speed and Defense of all allied sync pairs by two stat ranks. If you can spare the sync orbs, it’s also advantageous to activate their Take Flight: MP Refresh 3 sync grid tile, which has a 40% chance of restoring one MP of Take Flight! upon usage. If things get hairy, Skyla & Swanna can always patch up Palmer & Regigigas with their ever-reliable Potion. Skyla & Swanna can be obtained after completing Chapter 1 of the main story.
Argenta & Skarmory

Argenta lends Barry a helping hand in Pokémon Masters EX’s latest story event, so it’s only fitting that she debuts as a support sync pair. Argenta & Skarmory are a Steel-type support sync pair that can continually strengthen the Attack of both themselves and their allies. Argenta & Skarmory have the passive skill Stat Share 9, which raises the stats of all allied sync pairs when they use a self-supporting status move. This means that every time they use Swords Dance to raise their own Attack, they’ll raise their allies’ Attack by the same amount.
That’s not all for Swords Dance, though, as it also brings two more of Argenta & Skarmory’s passive skills into play—Use Status P-Move: Team Physical Boost ↑1 9 and Use Status P-Move: Team Accuracy Up ↑2 9. Triggered by Argenta & Skarmory’s use of a status move, the former increases all allies’ Physical Moves ↑ Next effect by one stat rank and the latter raises the accuracy of all allies by two.
For more details on this sync pair’s passive skills and moves, check out Argenta & Skarmory’s in-game sync pair scout screen. Argenta & Skarmory are available to scout until October 5, 2023, at 10:59 p.m. PDT.
Recommended Sync Pairs to Partner with Argenta & Skarmory
Rose & Copperajah
While Rose & Copperajah don’t necessarily need the support of Argenta & Skarmory’s Swords Dance to bulldoze the opposition, they can always benefit from the Physical Moves ↑ Next effect granted by Argenta & Skarmory’s Use Status P-Move: Team Physical Boost ↑1 9. They both also get bonuses from their shared Steel theme skill, boosting their stats even further. Rose & Copperajah are not currently available to scout, though they may return in the future! -
N & Zekrom
N & Zekrom are a powerful Electric-type strike sync pair, but they need help fully raising their Attack and critical-hit rate before they’re ready to fire off electrifying Bolt Strikes. Argenta & Skarmory are especially helpful since their Stat Share 9 passive skill can raise N & Zekrom’s Attack when Argenta & Skarmory use Swords Dance, and Dire Hit All + can up N & Zekrom’s critical-hit rate in a flash. N & Zekrom’s damage output is also enhanced by Argenta & Skarmory’s passive skills, Use Status P-Move: Team Physical Boost ↑1 9 and Use Status P-Move: Team Accuracy Up ↑2 9. N & Zekrom are not currently available to scout, though they may return in the future!
Enjoy the new frontier, Trainers!