It’s that exciting time of year when we get to watch the crowning of a new Pokémon GO World Champion. The entire Pokémon GO community is invited to join the fun with opportunities to watch the 2024 Pokémon World Championships on August 16–18, 2024, on Twitch and YouTube. During the first day of the competition, Twitch viewers will see a special code to obtain a 2024 Worlds Tee for their avatar.

Additionally, Pokémon GO Trainers can channel Worlds competitors’ fighting spirit with Pokémon GO Battle Week, taking place from August 16, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. to August 24, 2024, at 8:00 p.m. local time. As part of the celebration, World Championships 2024 Pikachu will make its Pokémon GO debut, and Pokémon that are competitive in the GO Battle League’s Great League will appear more frequently in the wild, including Mankey, Lickitung, Marill, Paldean Wooper, Skarmory, Swablu, Fletchling, Carbink, Grubbin, and Mareanie.
For Trainers aiming to build a strong competitive team, look out for event bonuses including up to five Special Trades per day and the opportunity to use a Charged TM to help your Shadow Pokémon forget the Charged Attack Frustration. This latter bonus is rare, so be sure to stock up on Charged TMs to take advantage of this window of opportunity.
During the event, certain Pokémon that you encounter or evolve will know featured attacks.
Lickitung will know the Charged Attack Body Slam.
Mienfoo will know the Charged Attack High Jump Kick.
Evolve Wooper during the event to get a Quagsire that knows the Charged Attack Aqua Tail.
Evolve Swablu during the event to get an Altaria that knows the Charged Attack Moonblast.
Evolve Grubbin during the event to get a Charjabug that knows the Charged Attack Volt Switch.
Evolve Fletchinder during the event to get a Talonflame that knows the Fast Attack Incinerate.
Research Like a Champ
Pokémon GO’s 2024 Pokémon World Championships celebration offers plenty of opportunities for research. Complete Field Research tasks to earn encounters with World Championships 2024 Pikachu, Swablu, Mienfoo, and Mareanie. Paid Timed Research is available for US$5.00 (or the equivalent pricing tier in your local currency). Complete the research to earn one Premium Battle Pass, 25,000 Stardust, and encounters with event-themed Pokémon such as Azumarill, Vigoroth, Cresselia, and more.
Take on Raids Like a Champ
Participate in raids for an opportunity to defeat and catch the following Pokémon.
One-Star Raids
World Championships 2024 Pikachu
Three-Star Raids
Galarian Stunfisk
One-Star Shadow Raids
Shadow Magnemite
Shadow Dratini
Shadow Wooper
Shadow Gligar
Three-Star Shadow Raids
Shadow Wobbuffet
Shadow Kirlia
Shadow Sableye
Battle Like a Champ

GO Battle Week: Shared Skies takes place from August 16 at 12:00 a.m. to August 20, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. local time. Take inspiration from the world’s top competitors and battle in the Great League, Ultra League, Master League, and Catch Cup: Great League Edition. The following event bonuses will be in effect during the event.
4× Stardust from win rewards. (This does not include end-of-set rewards.)
The maximum number of sets you can play per day will increase from five to 20 (for a total of 100 battles).
Free battle-themed Timed Research will be available with rewards including a wig avatar item inspired by Lana.
Pokémon encountered via GO Battle League rewards will have a wider variance in Attack, Defense, and HP.
Happy Pokémon GO 2024 World Championships!