Our researchers have detected a massive influx of Eevee—both mighty and marked! Based on their (adorable) behavior, we can surmise that these special Tera Raid Battles and mass outbreaks will occur from Thursday, November 16, 2023, at 4:00 p.m. PST to Monday, November 20, 2023, at 3:59 p.m. PST. Eevee devotees can experience this explosion of everything Eevee in Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet!
Tera Raid Battle Event

Eevee with the Mightiest Mark will be appearing at black Tera Raid crystals from Thursday, November 16, 2023, at 4:00 p.m. PST to Monday, November 20, 2023, at 3:59 p.m. PST. The Evolution Pokémon can normally be found frolicking around Paldea, but the Eevee appearing in 7-star Tera Raid Battles during this event will have Normal as its Tera Type. Be prepared—this Pokémon is a formidable foe, and it’s got the Mightiest Mark to prove it!
For the opportunity to encounter this Pokémon in Tera Raid Battles, you’ll need to have downloaded the latest Poké Portal News. You can do this by selecting Poké Portal from the X menu, then Mystery Gift, then Check Poké Portal News. After that, whenever you see a sparkling pillar of light shining from a Tera Raid crystal, you can walk up to the crystal and interact with it to start a Tera Raid Battle with a Tera Pokémon.
To challenge Normal–Tera Type Eevee with the Mightiest Mark, Trainers will need to either complete the postgame events that follow the main story or join a 7-star Tera Raid Battle hosted by a Trainer who has completed those events. This special Eevee can be caught only once per save data. You can still participate in Tera Raid Battles against this Eevee if you’ve already caught it to obtain other rewards—including significant amounts of Exp. Candy for leveling up your Pokémon, treasures that can be sold at Pokémon Centers, items for improving your Pokémon’s stats, and Normal Tera Shards for changing your Pokémon’s Tera Type.
Be warned: this Normal–Tera Type Eevee is certain to put up a tough fight. If you’re looking for some tips on how to defeat this powerful Pokémon, head on over to our Tera Raid Battle Tips article. Learn the ins and outs of Tera Raid Battles in the Paldea region so that you never miss a chance to catch a powerful Pokémon or earn handsome rewards.
Mass Outbreak Event

Eevee will be appearing in mass outbreaks throughout Paldea and Kitakami from Thursday, November 16, 2023, at 4:00 p.m. PST to Monday, November 20, 2023, at 3:59 p.m. PST. Fans of the Evolution Pokémon will be delighted to learn that the wild Eevee featured in this event are more likely to have special marks depending on their location! Eevee encountered in these special mass outbreaks throughout Paldea are more likely to have the Jittery Mark, Intense Mark, Intellectual Mark, or Flustered Mark. Eevee encountered in these special mass outbreaks throughout Kitakami are more likely to have the Rowdy Mark, Excited Mark, Calmness Mark, or Unsure Mark.
Mass outbreaks are a phenomenon in which many of the same species of Pokémon appear in one location, and when you catch a Pokémon with a mark, you can choose to have a title associated with that mark displayed when you send your Pokémon into battle.
To participate in mass outbreak events, you will need to download the latest Poké Portal News and install the latest update data for your game. While purchasing The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero is not required to participate in this mass outbreak event, there may be future mass outbreak events that occur exclusively in locations that cannot be accessed without The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero.
How to View and Assign Marks
Select a Pokémon in your party or your Boxes, then select Check summary.
From the Pokémon Status Summary screen, navigate left or right to the Memories screen.
If the Pokémon you are viewing has a mark but is not currently displaying a title, Assign a Ribbon or Mark will be shown on the right. Press the A Button, and you can assign a mark to the Pokémon and display the associated title.
Enjoy encountering Eevee everywhere, Trainers!