The Pokémon world is vast and colorful, offering a full palette of Pokémon. When it comes to color, the Pokédex lists an official color for each Pokémon, but it might not necessarily be what you expect. We all see the world differently, and this is as much a test of your knowledge of the Pokédex as it is a test of your knowledge of first partner Pokémon. Red-y to test your knowledge?

Which of the following Fire-type first partner Pokémon is not red: Charmander, Chimchar, or Litten?
Which of these Fire-type first partner Pokémon is not red: Cyndaquil, Fennekin, or Fuecoco?
Which of the Grass-type first partner Pokémon is not green?
Which first partner Pokémon is white according to the Pokédex?
Of the 27 first partner Pokémon, how many are red?
Of the 27 first partner Pokémon, how many are green?
Of the 27 first partner Pokémon, how many are blue?
Every first partner Pokémon is the same color as all its Evolutions, with one exception. Which first partner Pokémon is not the same color as both its evolutions?
Five core regions have first partner Pokémon that are green, red, and blue. Which four core regions do not?
How well do you know the colors of the first partner Pokémon? Give yourself one point for each correct answer. Add up your points and see how you did in the chart below: