The fifth episode of the Pokémon Evolutions animated series is now available on Pokémon TV and the Official Pokémon YouTube Channel!
This latest installment is set in the Sinnoh region, which is explored in Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl, Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl, and the upcoming Pokémon Legends: Arceus video games. Titled “The Rival,” this story focuses on the rival Pokémon Trainers who always seem to be one step ahead, driving those around them to better their skills. At some point in their journey, though, every Trainer must stop to face a Pokémon battle against their personal rival. For Barry, that time has come.
The next episode of Pokémon Evolutions is scheduled to debut on December 9, 2021. Don't forget to check so you don't miss future installments of this animated journey through the many regions that make up the Pokémon world.