Pokémon TCG Pocket: Triumphant Light Top Cards

03 March 2025

Pokémon TCG Pocket: Triumphant Light Top Cards

See some of the new cards that will add extra strength and synergy to your Pokémon TCG Pocket decks.

The latest Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket expansion, Triumphant Light, has arrived, and it includes all sorts of fantastic new cards that players are bound to bring into battle, whether they’re fashioning powerful new decks or working them into their existing ones. Let’s take a look at five new cards that could prove useful: Arceus ex, Leafeon ex, Crobat, Shaymin, and Irida.

Arceus ex

The Alpha Pokémon makes its Pokémon TCG Pocket debut with a special luster unique to the creator of Sinnoh. Arceus ex is a Basic Pokémon ex with 140 HP that can use any type of Energy for its Ultimate Force attack. Ultimate Force is reminiscent of Pikachu ex’s Circle Circuit attack, doing 70 damage plus 20 more damage for each of your Benched Pokémon. The key difference the lack of type requirement, making Arceus ex a truly flexible deckbuilding option in just about every sense. Arceus ex also triggers the new Link Abilities that you’ll see on several cards in Triumphant Light, making it a natural partner for many of the Pokémon in this expansion, and we’re looking forward to all the possibilities.  

Leafeon ex

Energy acceleration can make or break just about any deck, and Leafeon ex is the latest Pokémon to offer this powerful option. When Leafeon ex is in the Active Spot, you can use its Forest Breath Ability to attach Grass from your Energy Zone to one of your Grass Pokémon, including Leafeon ex itself. At minimum, this Ability helps fulfill the cost for Leafeon ex’s Solar Beam attack, but you should also ask yourself: “What Grass Pokémon can I pair this with?”


Crobat is one of many Pokémon with Link Abilities in Triumphant Light—special Abilities that trigger when Arceus or Arceus ex are in play—and this one’s a doozy. Cunning Link allows you to do 30 damage to your opponent’s Active Pokémon. It’s less flexible than Greninja’s Water Shuriken, which can do damage to any Pokémon, and requires a second in play, unlike Darkrai ex’s Nightmare Aura, but is still a significant damage boost every turn. This makes Crobat an excellent support Pokémon on the Bench, but its Darkness Fang attack also does a solid 50 damage for Darkness, making it a solid attacker in a pinch when combined with Cunning Link.


Speaking of support Pokémon, Shaymin is one of the most interesting “Bench sitters” introduced to Pokémon TCG Pocket. Its Sky Support Ability reduces the Retreat Cost of your Active Basic Pokémon, making it easier to get damaged Pokémon out of the Active Spot. Many Basic Pokémon ex like Dialga ex, Palkia ex, and Arceus ex have a Retreat Cost of ColorlessColorless, so Shaymin’s Sky Support Ability, combined with a single X Speed, can be used to return them to the Bench and out of harm’s way. Leaf currently fills this role, but this combination frees up your Supporter for the turn!


There are a variety of unique Supporter cards in Pokémon TCG Pocket, like Diamond Clan leader Adaman, but Irida of the Pearl Clan just might be one of the most interesting. Healing only Pokémon with Water Energy attached sounds limiting, but unlike Erika only being able to affect Grass Pokémon, Irida can heal any type of Pokémon as long as they have the right Energy! You can use it alongside traditional Water attackers like Gyarados ex, but also with Pokémon like Arceus ex that can use any type of Energy to fulfill its attacks. Not only that, but Irida is the first Supporter that can heal multiple Pokémon at once, which can really turn the tide of a battle!

These are just a few of the cards from Triumphant Light that you’re likely to face in battle. Be on the lookout for other useful cards to help build a deck that will have your opponent trembling in fear as you explore this latest expansion.

Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket
Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket
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