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Battling a Team GO Rocket Leader, or their boss Giovanni, is a lot more challenging than taking on a Team GO Rocket Grunt—but with some key knowledge and shrewd strategy, you can send Sierra, Cliff, Arlo, and Giovanni packing. When you do, you’ll be able to catch Sierra’s Shadow Tentacool, Cliff’s Shadow Zubat, Arlo’s Shadow Bagon, or Giovanni’s Shadow Kyogre.
Before diving into strategies for each individual member of Team GO Rocket, here are a few general tips that can help you across the board. One important difference between battling Team GO Rocket Grunts and their superiors is the latter’s use of Protect Shields. Unlike their Grunts, Sierra, Cliff, Arlo, and Giovanni will generally use their Protect Shields against your first two Charged Attacks. Because of this, it’s best to begin the battle with a Pokémon that has a Charged Attack that powers up quickly so you can exhaust those Protect Shields as soon as possible. When using your subsequent Charged Attacks, be thoughtful about timing and deploy them when they will be most effective.
It’s also worth noting that the Team GO Rocket Shadow Pokémon can have any Fast Attack or Charged Attack currently available to that Pokémon. You won’t know which attacks their Pokémon will have until you’re battling them, so try to familiarize yourself with each Pokémon’s possible move set and pick your own team accordingly.
When battling the Team GO Rocket Leaders and Giovanni, it’s best to bring Pokémon with two Charged Attacks because that will give you more opportunities to exploit type weaknesses. By teaching a Pokémon two Charged Attacks of different types, you can maximize its effectiveness in battle.
Team GO Rocket Leader Sierra

First Pokémon
Tentacool (Water/Poison)
Second Pokémon
Sableye (Dark/Ghost)
Milotic (Water)
Honchkrow (Dark/Flying)
Third Pokémon
Alakazam (Psychic)
Victreebel (Grass/Poison)
Houndoom (Dark/Fire)
Recommended Pokémon to Defeat Sierra
Fairy-type Pokémon with Electric-type attacks to use against Sierra’s Tentacool, Sableye, Milotic, and Honchkrow
Tapu Koko
Dual-type Pokémon to use against Sierra’s Houndoom and Victreebel
Bug-, Ghost-, or Dark-type Pokémon to use against Sierra’s Alakazam
The key to defeating Sierra is to choose Pokémon that can serve multiple roles in your battle lineup. While Sierra’s first Pokémon and possible second Pokémon have a great deal of overlap in vulnerabilities, her third Pokémon choice makes decisions more complex. None of the options share type weaknesses with each other and share very few with the possibilities for the rest of Sierra’s team. One of the better ways of dealing with this challenging lineup is to find a Pokémon that can handle Sierra’s first and second Pokémon and then devoting the rest of your team to addressing Sierra’s third Pokémon options.
A Fairy-type Pokémon with an Electric-type attack or a dual Electric- and Fairy-type Pokémon is the best choice for sweeping Sierra’s first Pokémon (Tentacool) and three potential second round Pokémon (Sableye, Milotic, or Honchkrow). Pokémon that can serve this role include Tapu Koko, Zacian, Xerneas, and Gardevoir. Teaching your Pokémon an Electric- or Fairy-type Fast Attack alongside both an Electric-type and Fairy-type Charged Attack will maximize their efficiency in this role. While Tentacool resists Fairy-type attacks, it is vulnerable to Electric-type attacks. If your chosen Pokémon doesn’t have access to a Fast Attack of the ideal type, look for one with good energy generation instead.
For your second Pokémon, choose one that can easily defeat either Victreebel or Houndoom. While these are very different Pokémon that share no vulnerabilities, thankfully there are several Pokémon with attacks of the ideal types. A few examples of these are Gligar, Infernape, and Crabominable. Gligar’s Ground-type attacks are effective against Houndoom while its Flying-type attacks work well against Victreebel. Infernape’s Fighting-type attacks work well against Houndoom and its Fire-type attacks are the perfect counter to Victreebel. And Crabominable has access to a Fighting-type Charged Attack to use against Houndoom and an Ice-type Charged Attack to use against Victreebel.
Your third Pokémon should be a Bug-, Ghost- or Dark-type Pokémon to counter Alakazam. Strong choices include Tyranitar, Weavile, and Giratina. It’s worth noting that a Tyranitar with a Rock-type Charged Attack would also be effective against Sierra’s Houndoom and a Weavile with an Ice-type attack could take on Victreebel. By teaching these Pokémon a second Charged Attack of a different type, you can help them become effective against other Pokémon in Sierra’s lineup as well.
Remember to power up your Pokémon as much as possible prior to challenging Sierra. As a Team GO Rocket Leader, all of her Pokémon will have substantial CP, so you shouldn’t assume that a type advantage will be all it takes to defeat her. But if you go into battle with your strongest Pokémon armed with Fast Attacks and Charged Attacks of the correct types, you should be able to emerge victorious.
Team GO Rocket Leader Cliff

First Pokémon
Zubat (Poison/Flying)
Second Pokémon
Aerodactyl (Rock/Flying)
Kingdra (Water/Dragon)
Gallade (Psychic/Fighting)
Third Pokémon
Crobat (Poison/Flying)
Cradily (Rock/Grass)
Tyranitar (Rock/Dark)
Recommended Pokémon to Defeat Cliff
Ice-type Pokémon to use against Cliff’s Zubat, Aerodactyl, Crobat, and Cradily
Darmanitan (Galarian Form)
Fairy-type Pokémon to use against Cliff’s Kingdra, Tyranitar, and Gallade
Electric-, Rock-, Steel-type Pokémon to use against Cliff as needed
You can defeat all of Cliff’s possible team combinations with just two Pokémon: a Fairy-type Pokémon with a Fairy-type Fast Attack and Charged Attack and an Ice-type Pokémon with a solid Ice-type Fast Attack and Charged Attack. As always, it’s important to power up your team as much as you’re able; Cliff’s Pokémon are strong and you’ll want to get maximum mileage out of yours.
To round out your team, you could choose an additional Ice- or Fairy-type Pokémon. Another option is an Electric-, Rock-, or Steel-type Pokémon. Each of these types is effective against three of Cliff’s potential Pokémon. Electric-type and Rock-type Pokémon are super effective against Zubat or Crobat, while Steel-type Pokémon should be used against Tyranitar or Cradily. All three of these options can quickly knock out Aerodactyl.
With so many of Cliff’s Pokémon sharing type weaknesses, if only one member of your team has a second Charged Attack, make it your first Pokémon. Having a second Charged Attack that powers up fast, regardless of type, is the best way to get through Cliff’s Protect Shields as quickly as possible.
Team GO Rocket Leader Arlo

First Pokémon
Bagon (Dragon)
Second Pokémon
Charizard (Fire/Flying)
Hypno (Psychic)
Golurk (Ground/Ghost)
Third Pokémon
Salamence (Dragon/Flying)
Scizor (Bug/Steel)
Dragonite (Dragon/Flying)
Recommended Pokémon to Defeat Arlo
Ice- and Water-type Pokémon to use against Arlo’s Charizard, Dragonite, Bagon, Salamence, and Golurk
Dual-type Pokémon with the Fire type to use against Arlo’s Hypno and Scizor
Beating Arlo and rescuing his Shadow Bagon shouldn’t be too difficult for Trainers with a handful of strong dual-type Pokémon. The first and arguably most important is a powerful Pokémon that’s both Ice and Water type, like Cloyster, Lapras, or Walrein. Equipped with two Charged Attacks, one of each of these types, your Ice- and Water-type powerhouse should be able to take on Charizard, Dragonite, Bagon, Salamence, and Golurk—a pretty incredible feat, considering how solid Arlo’s lineup is. This Pokémon also needs high CP and the necessary HP and Defense to stay on the field. Fortunately, Lapras and Walrein are considered decently bulky Pokémon and should be up to the task.
This leaves just two possible Pokémon to directly address: Hypno and Scizor. Because Scizor has just a single vulnerability—Fire-type attacks—you’re going to need a Fire-type Pokémon. Choosing a Fire type that’s also either Ghost or Dark type allows you to cover Hypno as well. Thankfully, there are several solid choices. Houndoom is always a pawesome Dark- and Fire-type Pokémon choice. Both Skeledirge and Chandelure are more than capable Ghost- and Fire-type team members.
While two Pokémon can challenge Arlo’s entire lineup, you still have one team slot left. You might want to add a second Water- and Ice-type Pokémon to back up your first, rather than play around with other Pokémon types.
Even with a type advantage, powering up your Pokémon and equipping them with a second Charged Attack is always a good policy for any battle, and especially with Team GO Rocket’s finest. If you’re not sure which attacks to choose, start with the ones whose type matches your Pokémon. Try to diversify types amongst Charged Attacks and keep energy costs in mind. If a valuable Elite TM would give you the perfect Charged Attack, this may be the time to use one! For Fast Attacks, choose one of the correct type that generates energy fastest.
Team GO Rocket Boss Giovanni

First Pokémon
Persian (Normal)
Second Pokémon
Nidoking (Poison/Ground)
Garchomp (Dragon/Ground)
Rhyperior (Ground/Rock)
Third Pokémon
Kyogre (Water)
Recommended Pokémon to Defeat Giovanni
Fighting-type Pokémon to use against Giovanni’s Persian
Ice-type Pokémon to use against Giovanni’s Nidoking, Garchomp, or Rhyperior
Grass- or Electric-type Pokémon to use against Giovanni’s Kyogre
Beating Giovanni is both very straightforward and very challenging. Unlike the three Team GO Rocket Leaders, you go into your battle with Giovanni knowing his first and third Pokémon. Another advantage is that all of Giovanni’s potential second Pokémon share a weakness to Ice-type attacks.
However, Shadow Kyogre alone is going to make your job difficult. Kyogre is terrifying enough on its own—but being a Shadow Pokémon increases the challenge significantly. For this reason, when choosing how to challenge Giovanni’s first and second Pokémon, it’s a good idea to use Pokémon that could also pose a threat to Shadow Kyogre in case your Grass- or Electric-type Pokémon is knocked out.
As always, Giovanni will lead with his signature Persian, so a Fighting-type Pokémon with a Fighting-type Fast Attack and Charged Attack and a second Grass-type Charged Attack would make a good choice. Use this Pokémon to defeat Persian and ideally to get through Giovanni’s two Protect Shields. As soon as Persian has fainted and Giovanni brings out his second Pokémon, switch to your Ice-type Pokémon to preserve as much of your Fighting type’s HP as possible.
Again, all three of Giovanni’s potential second Pokémon—Nidoking, Garchomp, and Rhyperior—are weak to Ice. A strong Ice type with an Ice-type Fast Attack and Charged Attack should get the job done. However, if you can find an Ice type Pokémon that can also learn a Grass- or Electric-type Charged Attack, that would give you some breathing room with Shadow Kyogre, since you’re likely to still be unable to switch out your Pokémon at that point.
Once Giovanni brings out Shadow Kyogre, hit it with everything you’ve got, with an emphasis on Electric- or Grass-type Charged Attacks. Hopefully all three of your Pokémon have access to at least one Charged Attack of these types so your entire roster can effectively deal damage against Shadow Kyogre.
After you’ve defeated Giovanni and (hopefully) caught Kyogre, you’ll have an incredibly powerful Pokémon to add to your team. Shadow Kyogre could be an incredible asset in raids and the GO Battle League. Kyogre’s already immensely popular in Master League, and the additional damage Shadow Kyogre is capable of dealing will undoubtedly intimidate its opponents. Of course, if you want to unlock Shadow Kyogre’s full potential, you’ll need to power it up, replace Frustration with a new Charged Attack, and teach it a second Charged Attack.
Wondering what to do with your newly-acquired Shadow Pokémon? Learn more about them in this article. Team GO Rocket changes their Pokémon every few months, so check back regularly for new recommendations and strategies.
Good luck battling, Trainers!