Appearing in Raids: September 27, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. to October 8, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. local time
Last Appeared in Raids: May 18, 2021, to May 31, 2021
Yveltal is a Legendary Dark- and Flying-type Legendary Pokémon originally discovered in the Kalos region. When Yveltal’s wings and tail feathers spread wide and glow red, it absorbs the life force of living creatures. Learn which Pokémon will be most effective in Raid Battles against Yveltal, how to catch Yveltal after winning a Raid Battle, and how best to use the Destruction Pokémon after you’ve caught it.
Which Pokémon to Use in an Yveltal Raid in Pokémon GO

As a Dark- and Flying-type Pokémon, Yveltal is vulnerable to Electric-, Ice-, Rock-, and Fairy-type attacks. When selecting Pokémon for your Yveltal Raid Battle lineup, it helps to choose Pokémon that have a Fast Attack and a Charged Attack of one of these types if you want to deal as much damage as possible. It’s not necessary to choose only Electric-, Ice-, Rock-, or Fairy-type Pokémon, but a Pokémon that shares a type with these attacks will benefit from a same-type attack bonus, which will allow these attacks to deal an additional 20% damage.
If you have multiple Pokémon that know Electric-, Ice-, Rock-, or Fairy-type attacks, choose the Pokémon with the highest CP and best overall stats. Remember that speed of victory affects how many Premier Balls you will receive at the conclusion of a successful Raid Battle, so bring your strongest Pokémon and defeat Yveltal as quickly as you can.
Suggested Electric-type Pokémon
Alolan Golem (Rock/Electric)
Fast Attack: Rock Throw (Rock), Volt Switch (Electric)
Charged Attack: Rock Blast (Rock), Stone Edge (Rock), Wild Charge (Electric)
Zapdos / Shadow Zapdos (Electric/Flying)
Fast Attack: Charge Beam (Electric), Thunder Shock (Electric)
Charged Attack: Ancient Power (Rock), Thunder (Electric), Thunderbolt (Electric), Zap Cannon (Electric)
Raikou / Shadow Raikou (Electric)
Fast Attack: Thunder Shock (Electric), Volt Switch (Electric)
Charged Attack: Thunder (Electric), Thunderbolt (Electric), Wild Charge (Electric)
Manectric / Mega Manectric (Electric)
Fast Attack: Charge Beam (Electric), Thunder Fang (Electric)
Charged Attack: Thunder (Electric), Wild Charge (Electric)
Electivire / Shadow Electivire (Electric)
Fast Attack: Thunder Shock (Electric)
Charged Attack: Thunder (Electric), Thunder Punch (Electric), Wild Charge (Electric)
Therian Forme Thundurus (Electric/Flying)
Fast Attack: Thunder Shock, Volt Switch
Charged Attack: Thunder, Thunderbolt, Thunder Punch
Zekrom (Dragon/Electric)
Fast Attack: Charge Beam (Electric)
Charged Attack: Wild Charge (Electric)
Xurkitree (Electric)
Fast Attack: Spark (Electric), Thunder Shock (Electric)
Charged Attack: Discharge (Electric), Thunder (Electric)
Suggested Ice-type Pokémon
Weavile (Dark/Ice)
Fast Attack: Ice Shard (Ice)
Charged Attack: Avalanche (Ice)
Glaceon (Ice)
Fast Attack: Frost Breath (Ice), Ice Shard (Ice)
Charged Attack: Avalanche (Ice), Ice Beam (Ice), Icy Wind (Ice)
Mamoswine / Shadow Mamoswine (Ice/Ground)
Fast Attack: Powder Snow (Ice)
Charged Attack: Ancient Power (Rock), Avalanche (Ice), Stone Edge (Rock)
Galarian Darmanitan (Ice)
Fast Attack: Ice Fang (Ice)
Charged Attack: Avalanche (Ice), Ice Punch (Ice)
Suggested Rock-type Pokémon
Aerodactyl/ Mega Aerodactyl (Rock/Flying)
Fast Attack: Rock Throw (Rock)
Charged Attack: Ancient Power (Rock), Rock Slide (Rock)
Tyranitar / Shadow Tyranitar (Rock/Dark)
Fast Attack: Smack Down (Rock)
Charged Attack: Stone Edge (Rock)
Rampardos (Rock)
Fast Attack: Smack Down (Rock)
Charged Attack: Rock Slide (Rock)
Rhyperior (Ground/Rock)
Fast Attack: Smack Down (Rock)
Charged Attack: Rock Wrecker (Rock), Stone Edge (Rock)
Gigalith (Rock)
Fast Attack: Smack Down (Rock)
Charged Attack: Rock Slide (Rock), Meteor Beam (Rock)
Terrakion (Rock/Fighting)
Fast Attack: Smack Down (Rock)
Charged Attack: Rock Slide (Rock), Stone Edge (Rock)
Suggested Fairy-type Pokémon
Gardevoir / Shadow Gardevoir (Psychic/Fairy)
Fast Attack: Charm (Fairy), Charge Beam (Electric)
Charged Attack: Dazzling Gleam (Fairy)
Togekiss (Fairy/Flying)
Fast Attack: Charm (Fairy)
Charged Attack: Ancient Power (Rock), Dazzling Gleam (Fairy)
Make the Most of Premier Balls and Berries

After a successful Yveltal raid, you’ll have a limited number of Premier Balls you can use to catch Yveltal, so make each one count. You can earn extra Premier Balls for battling with friends and defeating Yveltal quickly.
In an encounter with Yveltal, your chance of catching it is greatest when the size of the target ring is small enough for you to score Excellent Throws. Throwing Curveballs can improve your chances even more. But work within your abilities—if you don’t think you can reliably make Excellent Curveball Throws, aim for Nice Throws or Great Throws rather than risk missing the target ring completely.
Yveltal isn’t going to make it easy on you by sitting still while you’re trying to catch it. Don’t waste your Premier Balls by throwing while it’s moving around. Watch Yveltal to get a feel for its cycle of movement and the pauses in between the cycles. During one of these pauses, wait for the target ring to reappear, and then throw as it starts to grow smaller to increase your odds of making a Great Throw or an Excellent Throw.
Berries can help you catch Yveltal. A Razz Berry will make Yveltal easier to catch, and a Golden Razz Berry will make Yveltal much easier to catch. If you’re having trouble landing throws, a Nanab Berry will calm Yveltal, making its movements less erratic and allowing you to make precise throws more easily. If you need extra Candy for Yveltal, using a Silver Pinap Berry will make Yveltal easier to catch and grant you extra Candy when you catch it.
Buddy Pokémon with a Buddy Level of Great Buddy or higher have the Catch Assist Perk. If a Pokémon—even a Legendary Pokémon—deflects a Poké Ball, your buddy might bounce it back for a second catch opportunity!
Like all Legendary Pokémon, Yveltal is tricky to catch, so don’t be discouraged if it escapes. Get a second wind by stocking up on useful items—like Max Potions, Max Revives, and Golden Razz Berries—and try again.
What to Do with Yveltal Once You’ve Caught It
Yveltal’s Initial CP Range: 2,073–2,160
Yveltal’s Initial CP Range with Weather Boost: 2,591–2,701
Available Fast Attacks: Gust (Flying), Snarl (Dark), Sucker Punch (Dark)
Available Charged Attacks: Dark Pulse (Dark), Focus Blast (Fighting), Hurricane (Flying), Hyper Beam (Normal), Psychic (Psychic)
As a Dark- and Flying-type Pokémon, Yveltal is resistant to Grass-, Ground-, Psychic-, Ghost-, and Dark-type attacks. This can make Yveltal useful against tough Raid Bosses such as Mega Gengar, Mewtwo, Lugia, Metagross, Latias, and Latios.
Depending on your GO Battle League strategy, Yveltal could make a solid addition to your Master League lineup. Yveltal’s Dark-type Fast Attack Snarl generates energy quickly, offering decent shield pressure against opponents who might be vulnerable to its Charged Attacks. Because Yveltal has a decent range of Charged Attack types, it might be difficult for opponents to risk taking an attack. It’s worth noting that Yveltal’s Dark-type attacks are most effective against Psychic- and Ghost-type Pokémon, which appear frequently in the Master League in the form of Mewtwo, Lugia, and Giratina. And because Yveltal is vulnerable to Rock- and Ice-type attacks, its Fighting-type Charged Attack is an excellent counter to cover this vulnerability.
For the Master League, you’ll want to power up Yveltal as much as you can, as well as teach it a second Charged Attack to maximize its effectiveness. Participating in more Yveltal raids will give you more opportunities to catch Yveltal and earn Yveltal Candy and Candy XL.
Good luck with your next Raid Battle, and remember to check for more Pokémon GO, video game, and Pokémon TCG tips.