• The SOS is from Tandemaus?
  • The SOS is from Tandemaus?
  • The SOS is from Tandemaus?
  • The SOS is from Tandemaus?

Season 1 | Episode 38

The SOS is from Tandemaus?

It’s the day after a storm, and Mollie is performing checkups on the Pokémon on board the Brave Olivine. Liko brings Hatenna, who imitates Chansey’s Heal Pulse move. Suddenly, an injured, lone Tandemaus appears outside, and Mollie and Liko rush to its aid. The Tandemaus’s partner is trapped inside a cave, so Liko and her Pokémon squeeze through an opening and manage to find it—but it seems there are still more Pokémon who need help. Liko then finds two more Tandemaus, but they’re extremely weak, so she asks Hatenna to try using Heal Pulse…and it works! Outside the cave, all four Tandemaus are reunited…but are they really Tandemaus?

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