• The Island Whisperer!
  • The Island Whisperer!
  • The Island Whisperer!
  • The Island Whisperer!
  • The Island Whisperer!
  • The Island Whisperer!

Season 20 | Episode 31

The Island Whisperer!

Kahuna Olivia is leading the class on a field trip to Akala Island, and everyone is excited! Before they leave, Olivia demonstrates her knack with Pokémon by calming an angry Tauros and bonding with just about everyone, including Ash’s standoffish Litten.

On the boat to Akala, Ash and Olivia discover a Wailmer, trapped in the rocks by an angry Bruxish! Everyone works together to drive Bruxish off and get Wailmer free, and when it starts to sink, Popplio comes to the rescue, floating it up to the surface in an impressive balloon. That night, Nurse Joy hosts everyone at the Pokémon Center, and there are more exciting adventures to come!

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