No cards are currently banned in the Standard format.
Archeops (Black & White—Noble Victories, 67/101; Black & White—Dark Explorers, 110/108)
Chip-Chip Ice Axe (Sun & Moon—Unbroken Bonds, 165/214)
Delinquent (XY—BREAKpoint, 98/122, 98a/122, and 98b/122)
Duskull (Sun & Moon—Cosmic Eclipse, 83/236)
Flabébé (Sun & Moon—Forbidden Light, 83/131)
Forest of Giant Plants (XY—Ancient Origins, 74/98)
Ghetsis (Black & White—Plasma Freeze, 101/116 and 115/116)
Hex Maniac (XY—Ancient Origins, 75/98 and 75a/98)
Island Challenge Amulet (Sun & Moon—Cosmic Eclipse, 194/236 and 265/236)
Jessie & James (Hidden Fates, 58/68 and 68/68)
Lt. Surge’s Strategy (Sun & Moon—Unbroken Bonds, 178/214; Hidden Fates, 60/68)
Lysandre’s Trump Card (XY—Phantom Forces, 99/119 and 118/119)
Marshadow (Shining Legends, 45/73; Black Star Promo, SM85)
Maxie’s Hidden Ball Trick (XY—Primal Clash, 133/160 and 158/160)
Milotic (XY—Flashfire, 23/106)
Mismagius (Sun & Moon—Unbroken Bonds, 78/214)
Oranguru (Sun & Moon—Ultra Prism, 114/156)
Puzzle of Time (XY—BREAKpoint, 109/122)
Red Card (XY, 124/146; Generations, 71/83)
Reset Stamp (Sun & Moon—Unified Minds, 206/236, 206a/236, and 253/236)
Sableye (Black & White—Dark Explorers, 62/108)
Scoop Up Net (Sword & Shield—Rebel Clash, 165/192 and 207/192)
Shaymin-EX (XY—Roaring Skies, 77/108, 77a/108, and 106/108)
Unown (Sun & Moon—Lost Thunder, 90/214)
Unown (Sun & Moon—Lost Thunder, 91/214)
No cards are currently banned in the Unlimited format.