Tournament Details: 25-03-001396

Tournament Name
Tournament Name
  1. TCG League Challenge 30 Mars 1h40PM
  2. 25-03-001396
  3. TCG: Standard
  4. March 30, 2025
  5. Trading Card Game
  6. (2025) TCG League Challenge March
  7. Multizone Gatineau (March 2025)
  8. Sanctioned
Organizer Information
Organizer Information
  1. Louis-Philippe Morin-Bérard
  2. 819-525-6322
  3. Contact this organizer
Location information
Location information
  2. 140 BD GRÉBER
  4. Quebec
  5. J8T 6H5
  6. Canada
Other Information
Other Information
  1. 10$
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