The Last Chance Qualifier events are the final opportunity for Trading Card Game and video game players to make it into the field of competitors at the World Championships. The Last Chance Qualifiers take place the day before the World Championships.
The Pokémon Last Chance Qualifiers are the final World Championships qualifiers open to all eligible players in good standing. They are run using the Age-Modified Single-Elimination format.
When are the Last Chance Qualifiers?
Online registration for the Last Chance Qualifiers will open on Wednesday, July 23, 2014, at 9 A.M. Pacific and will remain open until check-in is completed or until all seats in a division are filled. Seating is limited to 512 Masters division players, 256 Senior division players, and 256 Junior division players. Players who register online will be guaranteed a seat in the event, as long as they are checked in by the deadlines below. Players can register online for the TCG Event or the Video Game Event here. You must register online and check in during the hours listed to play in the tournament.
All players must check in Friday, August 15, at the tournament venue:
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
801 Mount Vernon Place Northwest
Washington, DC 20001
Phone: 202-249-3000
Check-in for the Pokémon Trading Card Game Last Chance Qualifier will begin at 8 a.m. Check-in for the Pokémon Video Game Last Chance Qualifier will begin at 10 a.m.
Who is eligible to play in a Pokémon Last Chance Qualifier tournament?
To participate in this event, you must be a player in good standing and abide by the Pokémon Tournament Rules and all other applicable event rules.
Players who have already earned an invitation to play in the 2014 World Championships (VG or TCG) are not eligible to participate in the Last Chance Qualifier tournament.
Please review the TCG section below for additional registration requirements.
Trading Card Game Event Information
What is the schedule?
All players must register online for the tournament—only check-in will be done on site. Registration will open July 23, 2014, at 9 A.M. Pacific and will remain open until check-in is completed or all seats in a division are filled. Seating is limited to 512 Masters Division players, 256 Senior Division players, and 256 Junior Division players.
Friday, August 15, 2014—All Divisions
Check-in: 8 a.m.–8:30 a.m.
Players’ Meeting: 9 a.m.
Players who aren’t in their assigned seats for the Players’ Meeting will be dropped from the event.
Players who aren’t in line for check-in by 8:30 a.m. will be denied entry into the event.
What are the registration requirements?
Masters Division: 10 Play! Points and a $30 entry fee, payable online
Junior and Senior Division: 10 Play! Points
Masters Division players will receive 7 booster packs of Pokémon TCG: XY—Flashfire with their registration.
At the end of check-in, if empty seats remain, we will allow on-site players to register, up to the capacities listed above.
Japanese and Korean TCG players with a valid passport are not subject to Play! Point requirements.
What is the TCG tournament structure?
The tournament is run using the Standard Format and Single-Elimination pairings. Each Single-Elimination match will be a best‐of‐three format: the first player to win two games wins the match. Match time limit will be 60 minutes plus three
turns. Winning players advance to the next round, while losing players are eliminated from the event. See the Pokémon Tournament Rules for additional information about the Standard and Single-Elimination formats. The number of rounds run will depend on total attendance at the event.
What are the TCG prizes?
Four players from each age division will receive an invitation to compete in the Pokémon World Championships on Saturday, August 16, 2014.
Video Game Event Information
What is the schedule?
All players must register online for the tournament—only check-in will be done on site. Registration will open Wednesday, July 23, 2014, at 9 A.M. Pacific and will remain open until check-in is completed or all seats in a division are filled. Seating is limited to 512 Masters Division players, 256 Senior Division players, and 256 Junior Division players.
Friday, August 15, 2014—All Divisions
Check-in: 10 a.m.–11 a.m.
Players’ Meeting: 1 p.m.
Battle Boxes will be locked at check-in. All players who advance from the LCQ to the World Championships will have the opportunity to change their teams.
Players who aren’t in their assigned seats for the Players’ Meeting will be dropped from the event.
Players who aren’t in line for check-in by 11 a.m. will be denied entry into the event.
What is the VG LCQ tournament structure?
The tournament is run using the Standard Format and Single-Elimination pairings. Each Single-Elimination match will be a best‐of‐three format: the first player to win 2 games wins the match. Winning players advance to the next round, while losing players are eliminated from the event. See the Pokémon Tournament Rules for additional information about the Standard and Single-Elimination formats. The number of rounds run will depend on total attendance at the event. There will be an in-game time limit of 15 minutes per game.
What are the VG prizes?
Four players from each age division will receive an invitation to compete in the Pokémon World Championships on Saturday, August 16, 2014.
What else do I need to know?
You must bring your own device in the Nintendo 3DS family of systems and your own copy of Pokémon X or Pokémon Y (Game Card or downloadable version) to play. Your team must comply with the Standard Format rules as outlined in the Pokémon Tournament Rules. It is your responsibility to ensure that your system is charged.
There is a Play! Point requirement of 1 for the LCQ, and players from any country are welcome to play.
Bring your Player ID card. New Player IDs will not be issued at this event.
Make sure you arrive on time. If you are late for check-in, you will be removed from the tournament.
The Pokémon Last Chance Qualifier is operated by Pokémon Organized Play.
See the Legal Notices (coming soon) for certain eligibility requirements and other information.