The Pokémon Trading Card Game continues its journey through the Galar region in the latest expansion, Sword & Shield—Darkness Ablaze. This new collection of cards introduces more powerful Pokémon V and Pokémon VMAX that will have your opponents trembling in fear. Take a closer look at some of the awesome cards that you’ll be able to find in the Sword & Shield—Darkness Ablaze expansion when it arrives on August 14, 2020.
Centiskorch VMAX

This Gigantamax version of Centiskorch certainly looks intimidating, and rightfully so. Not only does it have an incredible 320 HP, but its G-Max Centiferno attack has the potential to do massive damage to your opponent’s Pokémon. The attack only requires two Colorless Energy, but you should attach Fire Energy for that cost—you see, for each Fire Energy attached, the attack does an extra 40 damage on top of the initial 40 damage. Not only that, but if the attack does damage, you can attach another Fire Energy from your discard pile to Centiskorch VMAX, so it can hit even harder next turn!
Galarian Slowbro V

It might seem a little odd seeing a Slowbro looking this angry, but Galarian Slowbro V has the chops to back up that fierce expression. With 210 HP, it can take a few lumps, and when it’s in your Active Spot, its Rapid-Fire Poison Ability allows you to make your opponent’s Active Pokémon Poisoned once per turn. On top of that, Galarian Slowbro V’s Tripping Shot attack can hit for a respectable 130 damage while also preventing your opponent’s Pokémon from retreating during their next turn.
Galarian Darmanitan

Galarian Darmanitan isn’t a Pokémon V or a Pokémon VMAX, but it can still be a valuable member of your team. Although this Pokémon is a Fire type, its Frozen Heat attack requires two Water Energy (plus an additional Colorless Energy). The attack does 110 damage to start with, and you can add 60 more by discarding all of Galarian Darmanitan’s attached Water Energy.

Rose is the chairman of the Galar Pokémon League, so it’s fitting to see him standing in a stadium on his Pokémon TCG card. If you have Pokémon VMAX in your deck, you might want to have a few Rose cards at your disposal. This Supporter card allows you to attach up to 2 basic Energy cards from your discard pile to 1 of your Pokémon VMAX. The trade-off, however, is that doing so forces you to discard your hand. Even so, if properly played, Rose could really boost your team’s strength (just imagine how he could help Centiskorch VMAX).
Rose Tower

Does that Rose card sound fantastic except for that whole “discard your hand” thing? Well, the Rose Tower card is here to help! With this Stadium in play, you can draw cards until you have three cards in your hand once per turn. So, feel free to use Rose to power up your Pokémon VMAX—you’ll be able to get three new cards into your hand immediately through the effect of Rose Tower. Where you take your game from there is up to you (and the luck of the draw), but you can be comfortable knowing you’ll have some options at your disposal.
Check back in later as we reveal more of the incredible cards you’ll find in Pokémon TCG: Sword & Shield—Darkness Ablaze, and be ready when the expansion releases on August 14, 2020.