The Pokémon TCG: Sword & Shield expansion is launching on February 7, 2020, bringing incredible Pokémon of the Galar region and powerful new Pokémon V to the game. These Pokémon V feature immense HP and incredibly powerful Abilities and attacks, but they also award two Prize cards when they get Knocked Out. Some can evolve into amazingly tough Pokémon VMAX, although be careful—if one of your Pokémon VMAX is Knocked Out, your opponent gets to take three Prize cards!

Among the first Pokémon V to be revealed are two Legendary Pokémon from the Galar region, Zacian V and Zamazenta V. Zacian V's Intrepid Sword Ability helps you find and attach Metal Energy from your deck, and its Brave Blade attack uses that Energy to do a massive 230 damage! Zamazenta V's Dauntless Shield Ability prevents attack damage from opposing Pokémon VMAX, while its Assault Tackle attack does 130 damage and knocks a Special Energy off its target. The steely might of these Legendary Pokémon is unparalleled in the Pokémon TCG!
Zacian V and Zamazenta V aren't the
only new Pokémon to enter the action. You can also look forward to seeing the
evolved forms of the first partner Pokémon from the Pokémon Sword and Pokémon
Shield video games. Even the adorable Galarian Ponyta is ready to join the battle—and
you can be sure that more Pokémon from the Galar region won't be far behind.

The first Pokémon VMAX have also been revealed, with two Pokémon originally discovered in Kanto taking the spotlight. Lapras VMAX has virtually unlimited damage potential with its G-Max Pump attack, delivering 30 more damage with each Water Energy you attach. And at 340 HP, Snorlax VMAX features the highest HP ever for a Pokémon allowed in competition. In addition to battling skills, each of these cards shows off breathtaking artwork of the Pokémon's Gigantamax form—a dream to add to any collection.
Keep checking for more details about the Pokémon TCG: Sword & Shield expansion as we approach the February 7 launch!