Reprint Glow-Ups from the Scarlet & Violet—Prismatic Evolutions Expansion

March 07, 2025

Reprint Glow‑Ups from the Scarlet & Violet—Prismatic Evolutions Expansion

Collect classic cards that will do wonders for your deck and stand out in your Pokémon TCG collection.

Among the cards to be found in the latest Pokémon Trading Card Game expansion, Scarlet & Violet—Prismatic Evolutions, are some reprints of cards that you may have recently played at your local League or against a friend. These cards aren’t just straight reprints, though—they’re special illustration rare cards that offer gorgeous new artwork... and the perfect opportunity to give your deck a glow-up!

Teal Mask Ogerpon ex

With a stained-glass style, Ogerpon looks radiant on this Teal Mask Ogerpon ex card. Its Teal Dance Ability is a great way to attach Basic Grass Energy from your hand to Teal Mask Ogerpon ex once per turn and to draw a card too. Given that its Myriad Leaf Shower attack grows more powerful as more Energy is attached to both Active Pokémon, there’s good reason to power it up.

Ceruledge ex

“Dark” and “stylish” are two words that immediately come to mind when looking at this fierce Ceruledge ex card. While performing its Raging Amethyst attack requires an unorthodox combination of Energy (Fire, Psychic, and Metal), it does do a significant amount of damage when you pull it off. Unfortunately, you also need to discard all Energy once you use it, but its Abyssal Flames attack becomes stronger with each Energy card in your discard pile, so you have some recourse if you decide to charge up another Raging Amethyst attack.

Iron Hands ex

Appearing like a truly immovable (yet oddly graceful) object, Iron Hands ex is ready to shock your opponents! This card features a pair of attacks that have relatively high costs, but they do a respectable amount of damage. Arm Press hits for 160 damage, but the real star of the show is Amp You Very Much. Sure, it may require one Lightning and three Colorless Energy, and it may only cause 120 damage, but if you manage to Knock Out your opponent’s Pokémon with the attack, you can take one extra Prize card.

Roaring Moon ex

Shinji Kanda’s trademark sketchy style creates a chaotic vibe that complements a card that’s all about sacrifice. Try Roaring Moon ex’s Frenzied Gouging attack, which instantly Knocks Out your opponent’s Active Pokémon, but causes Roaring Moon ex to do 200 damage to itself. And there’s the Calamity Storm attack, which only does 100 damage on its own, but that damage increases to 220 if you discard a Stadium in play. Both are powerful attacks…are you willing to pay the price?

Pecharunt ex

Pecharunt ex’s bright, cartoony look belies the somewhat sinister trickiness of its attacks. If you find yourself behind in a game, it might be time to call on this Pokémon in. Its Irritated Outburst attack does 60 damage for each Prize card your opponent has taken—it could be exactly what you need to get you out of a sticky situation. And its Subjugating Chains Ability, which lets you switch a Benched Darkness Pokémon with your Active Pokémon at the cost of Poisoning the new Active Pokémon, could be useful if you have Okidogi ex on your team—its Chain-Crazed attack increases from 130 to 260 damage if Okidogi ex is Poisoned!

Gholdengo ex

When looking at this colorful card, it’s hard not to share Gholdengo ex’s cheerful smile. You’ll also be smiling when you load up your hand by using its Coin Bonus Ability to draw a card (or two cards, if it’s your Active Pokémon). Hopefully your deck is filled with Basic Energy cards—moving those into your hand will increase the effectiveness of Gholdengo ex’s Make It Rain attack, which does 50 damage for each Basic Energy card you discard from your hand.

Dragapult ex

The multitude of shapes that comprise this depiction of Dragapult ex perfectly reflect the triangular shape of the Pokémon’s head. It’s not just a rad-looking card though. If you need to dish out a lot of damage across your opponent’s entire team, this is the Pokémon to call. Its Phantom Dive attack, with a cost of one Fire and one Psychic Energy, does an impressive 200 damage to the opposing Active Pokémon, plus it lets you place six damage counters of your opponent’s Benched Pokémon. Will you spread the damage out or concentrate the damage on one Pokémon? It’s up to you!

Raging Bolt ex

As Raging Bolt ex stomps onto battle in this dramatic card art, we can practically feel it using its two attacks. Running low on cards in your hand or simply don’t like what you’ve been dealt? Raging Bolt ex’s Burst Roar attack lets you discard your hand and draw six cards—the prefect refresher. When it’s time to go on the offensive, its Bellowing Thunder attack can be quite effective if your team is swimming in Energy cards. The attack does 70 damage for every Basic Energy you discard from your Pokémon.

Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex

Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex looks particularly mysterious and frightening—and this is another card that becomes more effective the closer you are to losing a match. Its Blood Moon attack does a whopping 240 damage, but it requires five Colorless Energy to use. However, thanks to its Seasoned Skill Ability, the attack requires one fewer Colorless Energy for each Prize card your opponent has taken. No matter how much the attack costs, though, be aware that once you use Blood Moon, that Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex is unable to attack during your next turn.

Terapagos ex

Terapagos ex is certainly taking advantage of its status as a Tera Pokémon ex, surrounding itself with glamorous, multicolored gems. It will also reward you for having a full Bench: its Unified Beatdown attack does 30 damage for each of your Benched Pokémon—just be aware that if you go second, you can’t use it during your first turn. The Energy requirements for its Crown Opal attack might be a bit tricky to gather, but when you do, the attack hits for 180 damage and prevents Terapagos ex from taking damage from Basic non-Colorless Pokémon during your opponent’s next turn.

Your deck will pack a punch and look great doing it with these beautiful reprints from the Scarlet & Violet—Prismatic Evolutions expansion.

Scarlet & Violet—Prismatic Evolutions
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Scarlet & Violet—Prismatic Evolutions
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