Pokémon have all sorts of great personalities, but it would be a shame to overlook the human characters who share their world. That’s why we started our Trainer Spotlight series—to highlight the many wonderful people who have dedicated their lives to training, researching, and battling with Pokémon.
Each of these spotlight articles focuses on a single character (and in one notable case, on a certain troublesome trio) to show how they’ve made an impact in video games, animation, manga, and the Pokémon Trading Card Game. Now’s a great time to catch up on these memorable Trainers and learn about the roles they’ve played.
Trainer Spotlight: Cynthia

“We share our lives with our Pokémon and our happiness grows as we all become greater than we were alone.”
Trainer Spotlight: Jessie, James, and Meowth

“Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light! Surrender now or prepare to fight!”
Trainer Spotlight: Lysandre

“My desire...it is for a more beautiful world!”
Trainer Spotlight: Professor Oak

“Your very own Pokémon legend is about to unfold! A world of dreams and adventures with Pokémon awaits! Let’s go!”
Trainer Spotlight: Lillie

“Now I’m ready to use my full force, too!”
Trainer Spotlight: Pokémon Fisherman

“To sit back and fish casually... It’s a grown-up’s hobby.”
Trainer Spotlight: Steven Stone

“It’s well known how often my intuition turns out to be right.”
Trainer Spotlight: Brock

“You can see just by looking at my Pokémon how rock hard my willpower is. My Pokémon are all hard as rock and have true-grit determination!”
Trainer Spotlight: Misty

“My sweet Pokémon are ready! Are you?”
Trainer Spotlight: Blue

“Smell ya later!”
Trainer Spotlight: Hau

“We’re gonna do so much awesome stuff together! Just you wait and see!”
Trainer Spotlight: Red

“... ...”
Each of these Trainers has played a vital role in the world of Pokémon, so we hope these articles provide some extra insight into their importance. Keep checking Pokemon.com in the future for more Trainer Spotlights!