There is a brief waiting period after a new Pokémon TCG card is introduced before it is eligible for use in Play! Pokémon competitions. This waiting period gives players an opportunity to understand and practice with the new card. Pokémon TCG promo cards such as those found in special collections will be legal on the first or third Friday of the month after the product is released.
The following tables show the first date in which upcoming cards can be used, as well as showing which promo cards introduced as of January 1, 2017, are already legal in a Play! Pokémon competitive event.
Upcoming Promo Cards
Card | Card Number | Legal Date |
N’s Darmanitan | SVP 181 | 4/11/2025 |
Iono’s Kilowattrel | SVP 182 | 4/11/2025 |
Lillie’s Ribombee | SVP 183 | 4/11/2025 |
Hop’s Snorlax | SVP 184 | 4/11/2025 |
Yanma | SVP 185 | 4/11/2025 |
Scraggy | SVP 186 | 4/11/2025 |
Yanmega | SVP 187 | 4/11/2025 |
Scrafty | SVP 188 | 4/11/2025 |
N’s Zorua | SVP 189 | 4/11/2025 |
Hop’s Zacian ex | SVP 193 | 4/11/2025 |
Iono’s Bellibolt ex | SVP 194 | 4/11/2025 |
Available Promo Cards
Card | Card Number |
Sprigatito | SVP 001 |
Fuecoco | SVP 002 |
Quaxly | SVP 003 |
Mimikyu ex | SVP 004 |
Quaquaval | SVP 005 |
Pawmot | SVP 006 |
Hawlucha | SVP 007 |
Revavroom | SVP 008 |
Spidops | SVP 009 |
Espathra | SVP 010 |
Arcanine | SVP 011 |
Dondozo | SVP 012 |
Miraidon | SVP 013 |
Koraidon | SVP 014 |
Flaaffy | SVP 015 |
Ampharos ex | SVP 016 |
Lucario ex | SVP 017 |
Cyclizar ex | SVP 018 |
Baxcalibur | SVP 019 |
Tinkaton | SVP 020 |
Murkrow | SVP 021 |
Pelipper | SVP 022 |
Smoliv | SVP 023 |
Growlithe | SVP 024 |
Tinkatink | SVP 025 |
Varoom | SVP 026 |
Pikachu | SVP 027 |
Miraidon ex | SVP 028 |
Koraidon ex | SVP 029 |
Chien-Pao ex | SVP 030 |
Tinkaton ex | SVP 031 |
Annihilape ex | SVP 032 |
Meowscarada ex | SVP 033 |
Skeledirge ex | SVP 034 |
Quaquaval ex | SVP 035 |
Palafin | SVP 036 |
Cleffa | SVP 037 |
Togekiss | SVP 038 |
Mawile | SVP 039 |
Pawmi | SVP 040 |
Paldean Wooper | SVP 041 |
Houndstone | SVP 042 |
Eevee | SVP 043 |
Charmander | SVP 044 |
Paradise Resort | SVP 045 |
Bulbasaur | SVP 046 |
Charmander | SVP 047 |
Squirtle | SVP 048 |
Zapdos ex | SVP 049 |
Alakazam ex | SVP 050 |
Snorlax | SVP 051 |
Mewtwo | SVP 052 |
Mew ex | SVP 053 |
Greninja ex | SVP 054 |
Kangaskhan ex | SVP 055 |
Charizard ex | SVP 056 |
Chi-Yu | SVP 057 |
Iron Bundle | SVP 058 |
Xatu | SVP 059 |
Aegislash | SVP 060 |
Pineco | SVP 061 |
Sinistea | SVP 062 |
Cetitan | SVP 063 |
Arctibax | SVP 064 |
Scream Tail | SVP 065 |
Iron Bundle | SVP 066 |
Roaring Moon ex | SVP 067 |
Iron Valiant ex | SVP 068 |
Fidough | SVP 069 |
Greavard | SVP 070 |
Maschiff | SVP 071 |
Great Tusk ex | SVP 072 |
Iron Treads ex | SVP 073 |
Charizard ex | SVP 074 |
Mimikyu | SVP 075 |
Sprigatito | SVP 076 |
Floragato | SVP 077 |
Meowscarada ex | SVP 078 |
Fuecoco | SVP 079 |
Crocalor | SVP 080 |
Skeledirge ex | SVP 081 |
Quaxly | SVP 082 |
Quaxwell | SVP 083 |
Quaquaval ex | SVP 084 |
Pikachu with Grey Felt Hat | SVP 085 |
Mabosstiff ex | SVP 086 |
Sprigatito ex | SVP 087 |
Pikachu | SVP 088 |
Feraligatr | SVP 089 |
Metang | SVP 090 |
Koraidon | SVP 091 |
Miraidon | SVP 092 |
Carvanha | SVP 093 |
Bellibolt | SVP 094 |
Cleffa | SVP 095 |
Cyclizar | SVP 096 |
Flutter Mane | SVP 097 |
Iron Thorns | SVP 098 |
Shroodle | SVP 099 |
Grafaiai ex | SVP 100 |
Pikachu | SVP 101 |
Oddish | SVP 102 |
Houndoom ex | SVP 103 |
Melmetal ex | SVP 104 |
Armarouge ex | SVP 105 |
Pikachu ex | SVP 106 |
Mareep | SVP 107 |
Flaaffy | SVP 108 |
Ampharos | SVP 109 |
Darkrai ex | SVP 110 |
Pawniard | SVP 111 |
Bisharp | SVP 112 |
Kingambit | SVP 113 |
Picnicker | SVP 114 |
Thwackey | SVP 115 |
Infernape | SVP 116 |
Froslass | SVP 117 |
Tatsugiri | SVP 118 |
Toxel | SVP 119 |
Pupitar | SVP 120 |
Revavroom | SVP 121 |
Snorlax | SVP 122 |
Teal Mask Ogerpon | SVP 123 |
Iono | SVP 124 |
Armarouge ex | SVP 125 |
Palafin ex | SVP 126 |
Walking Wake ex | SVP 127 |
Iron Leaves ex | SVP 128 |
Pecharunt | SVP 129 |
Kingambit | SVP 130 |
Kingdra ex | SVP 131 |
Greninja ex | SVP 132 |
Ledian | SVP 133 |
Crabominable | SVP 134 |
Drifblim | SVP 135 |
Bouffalant | SVP 136 |
Horsea | SVP 137 |
Porygon2 | SVP 138 |
Latias | SVP 139 |
Tinkaton | SVP 140 |
Noctowl | SVP 141 |
Victini ex | SVP 142 |
Miraidon ex | SVP 143 |
Gouging Fire ex | SVP 144 |
Raging Bolt ex | SVP 145 |
Iron Crown ex | SVP 146 |
Iron Boulder ex | SVP 147 |
Miraidon | SVP 148 |
Pecharunt | SVP 149 |
Paradise Resort | SVP 150 |
Gouging Fire | SVP 151 |
Chien-Pao | SVP 152 |
Magneton | SVP 153 |
Indeedee | SVP 154 |
Wooper | SVP 155 |
Quagsire | SVP 156 |
Zapdos | SVP 157 |
Pachirisu | SVP 158 |
Magneton | SVP 159 |
Squawkabilly ex | SVP 160 |
Charizard ex | SVP 161 |
Houndstone ex | SVP 162 |
Cinderace ex | SVP 163 |
Lapras ex | SVP 164 |
Terapagos ex | SVP 165 |
Teal Mask Ogerpon ex | SVP 166 |
Flareon | SVP 167 |
Vaporeon | SVP 168 |
Jolteon | SVP 169 |
Leafeon | SVP 170 |
Glaceon | SVP 171 |
Sylveon | SVP 172 |
Eevee | SVP 173 |
Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex | SVP 177 |
Kyogre ex | SVP 178 |
Xerneas ex | SVP 179 |
Dialga ex | SVP 180 |
Pikachu | SVP 190 |
Sprigatito | SVP 191 |
Fuecoco | SVP 192 |
Feraligatr | SVP 213 |
Pikachu | SVP 214 |
Toxtricity ex | SVP 215 |
Poké Ball | SWSH146 |
Professor's Research (Professor Juniper) | SWSH152 |
Professor's Research (Professor Willow) | SWSH178 |
Moltres | SWSH185 |
Lucario | SWSH186 |
Liepard | SWSH187 |
Bibarel | SWSH188 |
Leafeon V | SWSH194 |
Leafeon VSTAR | SWSH195 |
Glaceon V | SWSH196 |
Glaceon VSTAR | SWSH197 |
Pikachu V | SWSH198 |
Arceus V | SWSH204 |
Hisuian Basculegion | SWSH205 |
Wyrdeer | SWSH206 |
Hisuian Samurott | SWSH207 |
Magnezone | SWSH208 |
Lucario V | SWSH213 |
Lucario VSTAR | SWSH214 |
Rowlet | SWSH220 |
Cyndaquil | SWSH221 |
Oshawott | SWSH222 |
Mewtwo V | SWSH223 |
Melmetal V | SWSH224 |
Alolan Exeggutor V | SWSH225 |
Spark | SWSH226 |
Blanche | SWSH227 |
Candela | SWSH228 |
Mewtwo V | SWSH229 |
Radiant Eevee | SWSH230 |
Bulbasaur | SWSH231 |
Charmander | SWSH232 |
Squirtle | SWSH233 |
Pikachu | SWSH234 |
Dragonite V | SWSH235 |
Dragonite VSTAR | SWSH236 |
Hisuian Typhlosion V | SWSH237 |
Hisuian Decidueye V | SWSH238 |
Hisuian Samurott V | SWSH239 |
Finneon | SWSH240 |
Gengar | SWSH241 |
Comfey | SWSH242 |
Machamp | SWSH243 |
Weavile | SWSH246 |
Regigigas | SWSH247 |
Kleavor V | SWSH248 |
Kleavor VSTAR | SWSH249 |
Lumineon V | SWSH250 |
Boss's Orders (Cyrus) | SWSH251 |
Infernape V | SWSH252 |
Origin Forme Palkia V | SWSH253 |
Origin Forme Palkia VSTAR | SWSH254 |
Origin Forme Dialga V | SWSH255 |
Origin Forme Dialga VSTAR | SWSH256 |
Rotom V | SWSH257 |
Gallade V | SWSH258 |
Giratina V | SWSH259 |
Charizard V | SWSH260 |
Charizard VSTAR | SWSH262 |
Zeraora V | SWSH263 |
Zeraora VMAX | SWSH264 |
Zeraora VSTAR | SWSH265 |
Deoxys V | SWSH266 |
Deoxys VMAX | SWSH267 |
Deoxys VSTAR | SWSH268 |
Sunflora | SWSH269 |
Rapidash | SWSH270 |
Kirlia | SWSH271 |
Archeops | SWSH272 |
Hisuian Basculin | SWSH273 |
Cranidos | SWSH274 |
Manaphy | SWSH275 |
Togetic | SWSH276 |
Regieleki V | SWSH280 |
Regidrago V | SWSH281 |
Pikachu V | SWSH285 |
Pikachu VMAX | SWSH286 |
Lucario VSTAR | SWSH291 |
Hisuian Electrode V | SWSH294 |
Virizion V | SWSH295 |
Champions Festival | SWSH296 |
Hisuian Zoroark V | SWSH297 |
Hisuian Zoroark VSTAR | SWSH298 |
Jirachi V | SWSH299 |
Unown V | SWSH300 |
Lugia V | SWSH301 |
Bulbasaur | SWSH303 |
Arcanine | SWSH304 |
Greninja | SWSH305 |
Arceus V | SWSH306 |
Arceus VSTAR | SWSH307 |
View all Standard format-legal promo cards in the Pokémon TCG card database.
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