Master the art of Pokémon battling with Gallade-EX! The Pokémon TCG: Gallade-EX Box shows off the skill of this swift-striking Pokémon with a never-before-seen foil card and an awesome oversize card. And of course, as a Pokémon-EX, the steadfast Blade Pokémon is a cut above! Expand your collection with the contents of 4 Pokémon TCG booster packs, and strike swift and true with the Gallade-EX Box today!
Inside the Pokémon TCG: Gallade-EX Box, you’ll find:
Gallade-EX as a never-before-seen foil card
4 Pokémon TCG booster packs
A special oversize card featuring Gallade-EX
A bonus code card for the Pokémon TCG Online!