Tournament Details: 24-10-006979

Tournament Name
Tournament Name
  1. Pokemon Surging Sparks Prerelease #2
  2. 24-10-006979
  3. TCG: Limited
  4. October 26, 2024
  5. Trading Card Game
  6. (2025) Surging Sparks Prerelease
  7. Top Cut Comics - Berwyn League
  8. Sanctioned
Organizer Information
Organizer Information
  1. Robert Marchant
  2. 7083175589
  3. Contact this organizer
Location information
Location information
  2. 7122 OGDEN AVE
  3. SUITE B
  5. Illinois
  6. 60402
  7. United States
Other Information
Other Information
  1. 30.00
  2. $30 Sealed Event, Surging Sparks is here and we have ten opportunities to play.
    Friday 10-25-24
    11:00-11:45 PM Registration
    12:00 AM Start (10-26)

    Saturday 10-26-24
    12:00-12:45 PM Registration
    1:00 PM Start
    3:00-3:45 PM Registration
    4:00 PM Start

    Sunday 10-27-24
    12:00-12:45 PM Registration
    1:00 PM Start
    3:00-3:45 PM Registration
    4:00 PM Start

    Friday 11-01-24
    6:00-6:45 PM Registration
    7:00 PM Start

    Saturday 11-02-24
    12:00-12:45 PM Registration
    1:00 PM Start
    3:00-3:45 PM Registration
    4:00 PM Start

    Sunday 11-03-24
    12:00-12:45 PM Registration
    1:00 PM Start
    3:00-3:45 PM Registration
    4:00 PM Start

    Every Participant will receive a build and battle kit to build their deck
    Every player will receive two extra packs for free at the end of the event 1 pack per head will be added to the prize pool split to top players
    Every event is run with 3 20 Minute rounds of Swiss
    Players Build a 40 card deck out of their kit and play with 4 prizes

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