Black Kyurem and White Kyurem Pokémon GO Raid Battle Tips

February 28, 2025

Black Kyurem and White Kyurem Pokémon GO Raid Battle Tips

Appearing in Raids: March 1, 2025, and March 2, 2025, from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. local time

Kyurem is a Dragon- and Ice-type Legendary Pokémon originally discovered in the Unova region. When fused with Reshiram, Kyurem becomes White Kyurem and when fused with Zekrom, Kyurem becomes Black Kyurem. Both forms of Kyurem are also Dragon- and Ice-type and they will make their Pokémon GO debut during Pokémon GO Tour: Unova. After a successful battle with Black Kyurem or White Kyurem, it will revert to Kyurem, which can be caught. Learn which Pokémon will be most effective in Raid Battles against Black Kyurem and White Kyurem, how to catch Kyurem after winning a Raid Battle, and how best to use the Boundary Pokémon after you’ve caught it.

Which Pokémon to Use in a Black Kyurem or White Kyurem Raid in Pokémon GO

As Dragon- and Ice-type Pokémon, Black Kyurem and White Kyurem are vulnerable to Fighting-, Rock-, Dragon-, Steel-, and Fairy-type attacks. When selecting Pokémon for your Kyurem Raid Battle lineup, it helps to choose Pokémon that have a Fast Attack and a Charged Attack of one of these types if you want to deal as much damage as possible. A Pokémon that shares a type with these attacks will benefit from a same-type attack bonus, which will allow these attacks to deal an additional 20% damage.

Although Dragon-type attacks are effective against Kyurem, Dragon-type Pokémon are vulnerable to most of Black Kyurem and White Kyurem’s available attacks—keep that in mind when selecting your Pokémon.

If you have multiple Fighting-, Rock-, Dragon-, Steel-, or Fairy-type Pokémon, choose Pokémon with the highest CP and best overall stats. Remember that speed of victory affects how many Premier Balls you will receive after a successful Raid Battle, so bring your strongest Pokémon and defeat Black Kyurem and White Kyurem as quickly as you can.

When you challenge a Raid Boss while you’re in a party, Party Power can give your Charged Attacks a boost. The more party members in a raid, the more quickly your Party Power charges—when you activate it, your next Charged Attack will deal even more damage! To get the most out of Party Power, it’s a great idea to take on Raid Battles with friends.

It’s also worth noting that when you include a Mega-Evolved Pokémon in your raid lineup, all Pokémon of the same type participating in the raid receive a damage boost while that Mega-Evolved Pokémon is battling the Raid Boss. With their substantial CP, Mega-Evolved Pokémon are already a terrific asset in raids, but this added damage boost for other Trainers’ Pokémon can also be significant in Raid Battles where you’re up against the clock.

Suggested Fighting-type Pokémon

Lucario / Mega Lucario (Fighting/Steel)

  • Fast Attack: Bullet Punch (Steel), Counter (Fighting), Force Palm (Fighting)*

  • Charged Attack: Aura Sphere (Fighting), Close Combat (Fighting), Flash Cannon (Steel), Power-Up Punch (Fighting)

Conkeldurr / Shadow Conkeldurr (Fighting)

  • Fast Attack: Counter (Fighting)

  • Charged Attack: Dynamic Punch (Fighting), Focus Blast (Fighting), Stone Edge (Rock)

Suggested Steel-type Pokémon

Dusk Mane Necrozma (Psychic/Steel)

  • Fast Attack: Metal Claw (Steel)

  • Charged Attack: Iron Head (Steel), Sunsteel Strike (Steel)

Metagross / Shadow Metagross (Steel/Psychic)

  • Fast Attack: Bullet Punch (Steel)

  • Charged Attack: Flash Cannon (Steel), Meteor Mash (Steel)*

Dialga / Shadow Dialga (Steel/Dragon)

  • Fast Attack: Dragon Breath (Dragon), Metal Claw (Steel)

  • Charged Attack: Draco Meteor (Dragon), Iron Head (Steel)

Excadrill / Shadow Excadrill (Ground/Steel)

  • Fast Attack: Metal Claw (Steel)

  • Charged Attack: Iron Head (Steel), Rock Slide (Rock)

Suggested Dragon-type Pokémon

Rayquaza / Mega Rayquaza (Flying/Dragon)

  • Fast Attack: Dragon Tail (Dragon)

  • Charged Attack: Ancient Power (Rock), Breaking Swipe (Dragon)*, Outrage (Dragon)

Latios / Mega Latios (Dragon/Psychic)

  • Fast Attack: Dragon Breath (Dragon)

  • Charged Attack: Dragon Claw (Dragon)

Palkia / Shadow Palkia (Water/Dragon)

  • Fast Attack: Dragon Breath (Dragon), Dragon Tail (Dragon)

  • Charged Attack: Draco Meteor (Dragon)

Suggested Fairy-type Pokémon

Gardevoir / Shadow Gardevoir / Mega Gardevoir (Fairy/Psychic)

  • Fast Attack: Charm (Fairy)

  • Charged Attack: Dazzling Gleam (Fairy)

Suggested Rock-type Pokémon

Terrakion (Rock/Fighting)

  • Fast Attack: Double Kick (Fighting), Smack Down (Rock)

  • Charged Attack: Close Combat (Fighting), Rock Slide (Rock), Sacred Sword (Fighting)*

Gigalith (Rock)

  • Fast Attack: Smack Down (Rock)

  • Charged Attack: Meteor Beam (Rock)*, Rock Slide (Rock), Superpower (Fighting)

*An Elite Fast TM or an Elite Charged TM is typically required to teach this Pokémon this attack.

Make the Most of Premier Balls and Berries

After a successful Black Kyurem or White Kyurem raid, the Pokémon will revert to Kyurem before you have an opportunity to catch it. You’ll have a limited number of Premier Balls you can use to catch Kyurem, so make each one count. You can earn extra Premier Balls by battling with friends and defeating Kyurem more quickly.

In an encounter with Kyurem, your chance of catching it is greatest when the target ring is small enough for you to score Excellent Throws. Throwing Curveballs can improve your chances even more. But work within your abilities—if you don’t think you can reliably make Excellent Curveball Throws, aim for Nice Throws or Great Throws rather than risk missing the target ring completely.

Kyurem isn’t going to make it easy on you by sitting still while you’re trying to catch it. Don’t waste your Premier Balls by throwing while it’s moving around. Watch Kyurem to get a feel for its cycle of movement and the pauses in between the cycles. During one of these pauses, wait for the target ring to reappear, and then throw as it starts to grow smaller to increase your odds of making a Great Throw or an Excellent Throw.

Berries can help you catch Kyurem. A Razz Berry will make Kyurem easier to catch, and a Golden Razz Berry will make it much easier to catch. If you find yourself failing to land any throws, a Nanab Berry will calm Kyurem, making its movements less erratic and allowing you to make precise throws more easily. If you need extra Kyurem Candy, using a Silver Pinap Berry will make Kyurem easier to catch and grant you extra Candy when you catch it.

Buddy Pokémon with a Buddy Level of Great Buddy or higher have the Catch Assist Perk. If a Pokémon—even a Legendary Pokémon—deflects a Poké Ball, your buddy might bounce it back for a second catch opportunity!

Like all Legendary Pokémon, Kyurem is tricky to catch, so don’t be discouraged if it escapes. Get a second wind by stocking up on useful items—like Max Potions, Max Revives, and Golden Razz Berries—and try again.

What to Do with Kyurem Once You’ve Caught It

Kyurem’s Initial CP Range: 1,957–2,042

Kyurem’s Initial CP Range with Weather Boost: 2,446–2,553

Available Fast Attacks: Dragon Breath (Dragon), Steel Wing (Steel)

Available Charged Attacks: Blizzard (Ice), Draco Meteor (Dragon), Dragon Claw (Dragon), Glaciate (Ice)

As a Dragon- and Ice-type Pokémon, Kyurem is resistant to Water-, Grass-, and Electric-type attacks. With the ability to learn Dragon-, Ice-, and Steel-type attacks, Kyurem can be useful against many Raid Bosses, including Palkia, Reshiram, and Zekrom. While choosing the best attacks can be challenging, remember that Kyurem’s Ice- and Dragon-type attacks will benefit from a same-type attack bonus, making these attacks even more effective. No matter which attacks you choose, you can increase Kyurem’s versatility by increasing Kyurem’s CP and teaching it a second Charged Attack. Raising Kyurem’s CP to its maximum requires a lot of Kyurem Candy and Stardust, so try to catch as many Kyurem as possible to help you get there faster—and don’t forget the Pinap Berries!

Prior to the 2022 addition of its signature attack Glaciate, Kyurem wasn’t considered a solid choice for the GO Battle League. But now that Kyurem has this incredibly powerful attack, it holds its own against many prominent Master League opponents, including Giratina, Mewtwo, and especially Groudon. It’s essential to pair Kyurem with the right team to counteract its vulnerabilities, which primarily include prominent Fairy- or Steel-type Pokémon. But with the right team and ample powering up, Kyurem can successfully ice out its Master League opponents.

There’s also a very strong chance that Black Kyurem or White Kyurem will be even more competitive. We haven’t yet had the opportunity to see how they perform, but there are strong indications that they will be solid choices in raids and possibly the GO Battle League as well.

Good luck with your next Raid Battle, and remember to check back to for more Pokémon GO, video game, and Pokémon TCG tips.

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