If you’re having trouble finding some of the Hisui region’s more elusive Pokémon, this guide will help you track them down.
As you journey through the Hisui region in your Pokémon Legends: Arceus game, your primary goal is to assist Professor Laventon in putting together the region’s first Pokédex. Of course, that task is easier said than done—there are over 200 Pokémon to discover in Hisui, and some of them are significantly trickier to find than others. This guide will help you fill out those last few elusive entries in your Pokédex.
One important fact that veteran Pokémon players should be aware of is that, in the Hisui region, certain evolved Pokémon are a bit easier to come by than they were in previous games. Some Pokémon that previously required Evolution stones (like Roserade or Froslass) or a high friendship level (like Crobat or Togetic) to evolve can simply be found roaming in the wild. So long as you’re thoroughly exploring, you should have an easier time logging these Pokémon in your Pokédex.
Daybreak, the recently released free content update (Ver. 1.1.0) for Pokémon Legends: Arceus, introduces massive mass outbreaks, which can occur after you’ve viewed the game’s end credits. During a massive mass outbreak, you may encounter Pokémon that are ordinarily difficult to find, so don’t pass them up!
Aside from the satisfaction of helping Professor Laventon and the Hisui region, completing your Pokédex is also worthwhile due to the rewards you’ll receive. For example, you’ll earn a chance to encounter Arceus if you catch every Pokémon that can be reported to Laventon and recorded in the Pokédex except Darkrai, Shaymin, Manaphy, Phione, and Arceus itself. And once you manage to raise every Pokémon’s Research Level to 10, you’ll receive the Shiny Charm, which increases your odds of finding a Shiny Pokémon in the wild.
You’ll have some work to do before hitting those lofty milestones, though. Here are some things to look out for as you play.
Space-Time Distortions

It’s hard to miss a space-time distortion when one occurs in Hisui. These disruptions will randomly form throughout the region as a large, glowing crack in the sky atop a dome that covers an area of the landscape. The domes will have a multicolored tint as they’re forming but will turn into a swirling mass of purple when they become active. They’ll also be marked on your map with a circular icon in case you don’t happen to be near one as it forms. You’ll have to be quick, though, as the space-time distortions will dissipate after a few minutes.
Be prepared when you venture into one of these distortions—you’re bound to find some elusive Pokémon and rare items within, but the Pokémon that appear are very aggressive and will often attack you in large groups. Still, it’s worth the risk since these distortions can contain Pokémon like Eevee and its evolved forms; Sneasel (as it appeared in Johto) and Weavile; and the Hisui region’s first partner Pokémon.
You might also encounter Pokémon that seem a bit out of place in the Hisui region, including Pokémon that can be restored from fossils—Cranidos, Rampardos, Shieldon, and Bastiodon—and Pokémon that have more high-tech origins like Magnemite, Magneton, and Porygon.
Move-Based Evolutions

You’ll fill out a lot of your Pokédex by evolving Pokémon you’ve caught throughout your journey. Although many Pokémon will naturally become able to evolve as they gain experience and increase their level, some require a little more effort to trigger Evolution. One of the more unusual methods of Evolution involves having a Pokémon use specific moves in battle or in a particular style.
To evolve Stantler into Wyrdeer, for example, Stantler must keep using the move Psyshield Bash (which it can learn at level 21) in agile style. Keep in mind that although you’ll befriend a Wyrdeer that will let you ride it early in the game, it’s not one that can be added to your team, so it doesn’t count in your Pokédex. Similarly, you’ll need to have a Hisuian Qwilfish keep using Barb Barrage (which it can learn at level 15) in strong style before it can evolve into Overqwil.
As hinted at the start of this article, these evolved Pokémon can indeed appear in massive mass outbreaks, but it’s still a good idea to evolve at least one using these methods so you can build up the unevolved Pokémon’s Research Level.
Alternate Methods for Trade-Based Evolution

Trading Pokémon has always been an important element of the Pokémon series—so much so that there are some Pokémon that can only evolve after being traded. Pokémon like Kadabra, Machoke, Graveler, and Haunter can still evolve via trading in Pokémon Legends: Arceus, but you can also use the new Linking Cord item on these Pokémon to evolve them. You can find Linking Cords at the Trading Post in Jubilife Village, inside space-time distortions, or by completing certain requests.
In the Hisui region, Pokémon that previously needed to be traded while holding a specific item to evolve will now evolve simply by using the item on it. Magmar, for example, will evolve into Magmortar when a Magmarizer is used on it. Likewise, Electabuzz will evolve into Electivire when an Electirizer is used on it. Both items can be found in space-time distortions, but you can also purchase them from Ginter, a merchant who has set up shop near the Galaxy Team Headquarters in Jubilife Village, and from Simona at the nearby Trading Post. Be aware that although Ginter sells many hard-to-find items, his inventory is always changing. Check back with him frequently to see what he has to offer.
If Ginter doesn’t have these items when you speak to him, though, or you don’t have enough merit points to purchase them from Simona at the Trading Post, don’t fret! Both Magmortar and Electivire can occasionally be found roaming around the Coronet Highlands, with Magmortar appearing in space-time distortions and Electivire making trouble on the road to the Stone Portal via Cloudcap Pass.
Item-Based Evolutions

Like Electabuzz and Magmar, there are plenty of Pokémon that require special items to evolve. Perhaps the most well-known of these items are Evolution stones like Fire Stones or Leaf Stones. These useful items can also be found inside space-time distortions or purchased at the Ginkgo Guild Cart or Trading Post in Jubilife Village. You’ll also occasionally find an Evolution stone when you send a Pokémon to break a sparkling ore or when digging for treasure while riding Ursaluna. Hisuian Growlithe, Hisuian Voltorb, and Petilil are among the Pokémon that require Evolution stones to evolve. You can always scroll over an Evolution stone in your inventory to see if it’s compatible with any of the Pokémon in your party.
Other items, like Metal Coats and Upgrades—used to evolve Onix into Steelix or Scyther into Scizor and Porygon into Porygon2, respectively—function in similar ways and can be found in space-time distortions or purchased from the Trading Post in Jubilife Village. Black Augurite is a rare item used to evolve Scyther into Kleavor. Perhaps the easiest way to acquire this item is to battle lots of wild Graveler, which will occasionally drop the material when defeated. One can also be obtained by completing the “A Nosepass to Guide the Way” request, which you can pick up from the blackboard in Laventon’s office after being granted permission to survey the Coronet Highlands.
Additionally, there are Pokémon that will only evolve when an item is used on them during a certain time of day. Ursaring, for example, will only evolve into Ursaluna when you use a Peat Block on it during the night of a full moon. Peat Blocks can occasionally be uncovered when digging for treasure with Ursaluna. You can also find one by completing the “Gone Astray...in the Icelands” request. Remember that you can rest until nightfall at a base camp until a full moon appears—just be aware that you may have to rest multiple times.
To get Sneasler, you must use a Razor Claw on Hisuian Sneasel during the day (this is a fun twist on the previously discovered Sneasel’s method of evolving into Weavile, which involves using a Razor Claw on it at night). Remember that, like Wyrdeer, the Ursaluna and Sneasler you befriend as a part of the main story do not log them to the Pokédex.
Hard-to-Find Pokémon

Sometimes you need to forget about spatial-temporal anomalies and elaborate Evolutionary prerequisites and accept the fact that some Pokémon are just plain difficult to track down. To fill out your Pokédex, you’ll occasionally have to trek off the beaten path and do some serious searching. Take Cherubi, for instance: this adorable little Pokémon can only be found when it randomly drops out of a shaking tree that you’ve sent a Pokémon to retrieve Berries from. But it doesn’t just appear in any shaking tree—Cherubi only hangs out in the Heartwood area of the Obsidian Fieldlands, at the Gapejaw Bog in the Crimson Mirelands, and at select areas of the Coronet Highlands including the Lonely Spring, Stonetooth Rows, Fabled Spring, and Primeval Grotto.
If you happen across a Pokémon like Pichu, Cleffa, or Mime Jr., take extra care when you attempt to catch them. These diminutive Pokémon are somewhat scarce around the Hisui region and tend to run away from battles.
There are some Pokémon that can only be found by travelling to a location that’s only accessible by riding one of the special Pokémon you can summon with the Celestica Flute. Ramanas Island in the Obsidian Fieldlands is one such place, as it can only be reached with the help of Basculegion or Braviary. The trip is worth it, though, since it’s one of the only places in Hisui where Chimchar and Monferno appear naturally in the wild—just be sure to watch out for the alpha Infernape there!
You can further your search for Sinnoh’s first partner Pokémon by looking for Turtwig and Grotle in the Crimson Mirelands’ Droning Meadow or Torterra in the same area’s Holm of Trials. Piplup and Prinplup can be found wandering the Cobalt Coastland’s Spring Path, and Empoleon can be found stalking the beaches at the nearby Islespy Shore.
Unusual Encounters
Even taking all the above advice into consideration, there are still a few Pokémon that are simply outliers, requiring their own unique method to track down. Here are a few Pokémon that you’ll need to go above and beyond to encounter.

In Jubilife Village, you’ll eventually meet Vessa, a child who tasks you with tracking down 107 glowing purple wisps around the entire Hisui region. After meeting her, she can be found across the river from the front gate, between the Canala Bridge and pastures, at night. She’ll be able tell you how many wisps you have left to find in each area, and she’ll even give you rewards as you collect them. Find all 107, and she’ll send you off to the Shrouded Ruins in the Crimson Mirelands where you’ll encounter this Ghost- and Dark-type Pokémon.

Basculegion is another Pokémon you’ll befriend that will help you traverse Hisui, but you’ll still need to evolve a White-Striped Form Basculin to count towards your Pokédex. To do that, you’ll need it to know an attack that will cause recoil damage (like Wave Crash, which Basculin can learn at level 34). Have Basculin use that attack while in battle, and after it’s taken enough recoil damage, it will be able to evolve into Basculegion. Just be aware that the recoil damage won’t count towards Basculin’s Evolution if the Basculin is knocked out—be sure to keep it healthy between battles!

This entry is mainly for players looking to fill out all of a Pokémon’s forms in the Pokédex, since catching Rotom alone is enough to earn its entry. You can find Rotom at Stonetooth Rows or at the Sacred Plaza in the Coronet Highlands. However, if you want to have Rotom change into one of its five alternate forms, it will take a little extra...investment.
As you check in with Ginter in Jubilife Village, he will occasionally have various mechanical devices for sale—there’s a Mechanical Box, Mechanical Tub, Mechanical Cabinet, Mechanical Pinwheel, and Mechanical Circular Saw. Purchase one, and it will automatically appear inside your quarters. When you investigate the device, Rotom will want to take a closer look. Allow it to do so, and it will change into a different form (and a different type) depending on which appliance it enters.
Just be aware that Ginter charges quite a bit for these devices. You may be able to pick up one for the price of a Nugget, but others may cost you several times more! You’ll need to amass a small fortune’s worth of survey rewards to discover all Rotom’s forms.
Phione and Manaphy

As you play through the game, you’ll eventually find a request called “The Sea’s Legend” on the blackboard in Professor Laventon’s office. This will send you on a mission that ends in an encounter with Phione and Manaphy. The request mentions a Pokémon that the professor saw in the ocean, but it doesn’t name the Pokémon. Instead, it refers to “a tome called ‘The Sea’s Legend’...”
There’s a bit of a puzzle attached to this request that will be much easier if you’re familiar with the lore of the Sinnoh region—that’s right, the secret is hidden in Hisui’s future! The Sea’s Legend is a book you can read in the Canalave Library in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl, which discusses the “East Sea,” “Mantyke, Buizel, and a Qwilfish with huge spikes,” an “ocean gate,” and the “Seaside Hollow.” Taking this tall tale into consideration, you’ll need to have Mantyke, Buizel, and Overqwil in your party before journeying over to Hisui’s Cobalt Coastlands.
There, you’ll find a pair of curved spires rising out of the water near Sand’s Reach. Ride up to them on Basculegion during the evening, and you’ll hear a mysterious cry. This will open the Seaside Hollow on the northern coast of Veilstone Cape. Travel there by means of the Tidal Passage, and you’ll find a cave that leads to an encounter with Manaphy and three Phione. Good luck!
Completing your Pokédex in Pokémon Legends: Arceus is certainly a formidable task, but with enough determination, it is achievable. Remember these tips as you head out on your adventure, and you’ll make Hisui region history.