By Aaron Zheng, contributing writer
On July 1, 2023, the Pokémon Video Game Championships began following Regulation Set D. This new format is the current standard for Ranked Battles and will be featured this August at the 2023 Pokémon VGC World Championships in Yokohama, Japan.
Regulation Set D introduces dozens of Pokémon to the Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet competitive scene. These regulations not only bring back familiar faces from past VGC eras but also give Pokémon discovered in the Hisui region their first shot at the title of World Champion. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the most popular additions to the list of eligible Pokémon in this brand-new format!
Remember to watch for these Pokémon in action as top players from around the globe square off at the Pokémon World Championships! Don’t miss all three days of exciting matches at

Heatran is a bulky attacker that matches up well against common competitors such as Rillaboom, Amoonguss, and Flutter Mane. It’s also one of the biggest beneficiaries of the Terastal phenomenon. For example, a Heatran with Grass as its Tera Type is able to shrug off Ground- and Water-type attacks that would normally be super effective against it.
In previous seasons, players covered for unfavorable type matchups against Heatran by having the Lava Dome Pokémon hold damage-reducing items such as Shuca Berries or Chople Berries. In Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet, however, players are free to choose a held item that highlights Heatran’s strengths instead of shoring up its weaknesses. Some players may still opt to give Heatran a Berry to save their Tera Orb charge for another Pokémon on their team, but you can otherwise expect to see Heatran holding more conventional items like Assault Vests, Leftovers, Life Orbs, and Safety Goggles.
Most players with Heatran on their team will run a combination of hard-hitting moves such as Earth Power, Flash Cannon, Heat Wave, Protect, Substitute, and Tera Blast. Other options include Heavy Slam—an effective strategy for landing a one-hit KO against Flutter Mane—as well as Fire-type staples such as Flamethrower, Overheat, and Will-O-Wisp.

Few Pokémon have stood the test of time throughout Pokémon VGC competitions quite like Cresselia. Its track record speaks for itself—the Lunar Pokémon won the World Championships in 2010, 2012, and 2015, and it finished in the Top 8 in 2013, 2016, and 2018. Cresselia proved itself to be one of the greatest contenders in VGC history, and now it’s back in the ring under Regulation Set D to reclaim its title as one of the premier Trick Room users.
Cresselia has several distinguishing strengths: great defensive stats, a fantastic Ability in Levitate, and a deep pool of learnable moves. Common support moves known by Cresselia include Ally Switch, Calm Mind, Helping Hand, Skill Swap, and Trick Room, while its most common attacks are Ice Beam, Icy Wind, Moonblast, and Psychic. Cresselia can also learn a new signature move called Lunar Blessing, which heals the user and allied Pokémon by 25% of their maximum HP while also removing any status conditions they may have.
So far, the most popular held item for Cresselia in Regulation Set D has been the Mental Herb, which counters Taunt—a support Pokémon’s worst nightmare—and allows Cresselia to more reliably set up its Trick Room. Other items you can expect to see include Leftovers, Rocky Helmets, Safety Goggles, and Sitrus Berries.

Tornadus (Incarnate Forme)
Incarnate Forme Tornadus has had tremendous success across various eras: it finished in 2nd place at the 2011 World Championships, in 1st place at the 2013 World Championships, and in the Top 4 at the 2019 and 2022 World Championships. Now arriving in Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet, Tornadus is one of the most consistent Tailwind users—as if Tailwind teams weren’t enough of a threat already!
The Cyclone Pokémon is primarily known for its Prankster Ability, which gives priority to status moves. This pairs perfectly with support moves such as Rain Dance, Sunny Day, the aforementioned Tailwind, and Taunt. Tornadus has the potential to manually set up all four weather conditions, making it a powerful partner for Pokémon that benefit from them. Expect to see some players pair Tornadus with a Paradox Pokémon, whose Protosynthesis Ability will boost its most proficient stat in the harsh sunlight Tornadus sets up.
Tornadus can also deal damage through moves such as Air Slash, Hurricane, and a signature move called Bleakwind Storm. First introduced in the Pokémon Legends: Arceus game, Bleakwind Storm targets all adjacent opponents and has a chance to lower each target’s Speed stat.
In previous generations, one common tactic to prevent Tornadus from setting up Tailwind was to make it flinch with Fake Out and knock it out in a single turn. This maneuver is more difficult to execute in Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet, as Tornadus will often have Ghost as its Tera Type to gain immunity to Fake Out and other Normal-type attacks. Trainers who don’t want to commit to Terastallizing Tornadus can alternately give it a Covert Cloak, which prevents it from flinching. Other common held items for Tornadus include Eject Buttons, Focus Sashes, and Mental Herbs.

Thundurus (Incarnate Forme)
When Incarnate Forme Thundurus was first introduced to competitive play in 2011, it immediately won the World Championships. Since then, the Bolt Strike Pokémon has finished in 2nd place at the 2012 and 2013 World Championships, 1st place at the 2015 World Championships, 4th place at the 2016 World Championships, and 1st place again at the 2022 World Championships.
Throughout the years, Thundurus’s role has zigged and zagged like a bolt of lightning: Ray Rizzo won the 2011 World Championships with a bulky support set that disrupted teams by pairing Prankster with Thunder Wave, while Eduardo Cunha won the 2022 World Championships by strategically Dynamaxing a more offensive Thundurus with Defiant as its Ability.
Under Regulation Set D, many players shifted back to the bulky Prankster support set that previously dominated for years. Thundurus’s non-damaging moves often include Eerie Impulse, Rain Dance, Scary Face, Taunt, and Thunder Wave, while its most common attacks are Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, and a signature move called Wildbolt Storm, which damages all opposing Pokémon and has a 20% chance to paralyze them as well.
Popular held items for a support Thundurus include Covert Cloaks, Safety Goggles, and Sitrus Berries—and many Trainers will consider a defensive Tera Type like Ghost or Steel to help Thundurus last longer in battle.

Landorus (Therian Forme)
Regulation Set D’s eligible Pokémon list is chockablock with physical attackers. When facing a heavy hitter such as Dragonite, Rillaboom, Ursaluna, Iron Hands, or Chien-Pao, few Abilities are as effective at blocking their heaviest hits quite like Intimidate—and Therian Forme Landorus is one of the most intimidating Pokémon on the block.
The Abundance Pokémon can deal consistent damage through a wide range of attacks such as Brick Break, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Stomping Tantrum, Tera Blast, and U-turn. Landorus is also versatile enough to hold a variety of items like Assault Vests, Choice Scarves, Choice Bands, Life Orbs, and Rocky Helmets.
If you don’t want your own physical attacker’s stats lowered by Landorus’s Intimidate Ability, you might want to give your Pokémon a Clear Amulet. This held item limits Intimidate’s effectiveness and makes it harder for Landorus to disrupt teams.

Rillaboom was one of the premier Fake Out users during the Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield era, capping off our time in the Galar region with a World Championships victory in 2022. In Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet, however, Rillaboom lost access to key moves such as Grassy Glide and High Horsepower. But there’s no need to go bananas—the Drummer Pokémon is still a popular choice thanks to its Hidden Ability, typing, offensive potential, and access to Fake Out.
Rillaboom’s move sets usually feature some combination of Drum Beating, Fake Out, Knock Off, Protect, Taunt, U-turn, and Wood Hammer. For Rillaboom’s held item, many Trainers give it an Assault Vest, which reduces the damage it receives from special attacks. Other common held items include Choice Bands, Miracle Seeds, and Sitrus Berries.
One strategy that’s sure to draw attention is to pair Rillaboom with a Sneasler holding a Grassy Seed. Rillaboom easily sets up Grassy Terrain through its Grassy Surge Hidden Ability, causing Sneasler to consume the Grassy Seed and boost its Defense stat, in turn activating Sneasler’s Unburden Ability and boosting its Speed stat—making the Free Climb Pokémon one of the fastest in the format.

Urshifu (Rapid Strike Style)
Rapid Strike Urshifu is one of the strongest offensive attackers in the format, thanks largely to its Surging Strikes move. With a signature move that hits its opponent three times—and guarantees a critical hit with every strike—the Wushu Pokémon can deliver a one-turn KO against many popular competitors such as Heatran, Therian Forme Landorus, Flutter Mane, Chien-Pao, and Chi-Yu...but that’s not all! Urshifu can also diversify its move set by learning other powerful attacks such as Aqua Jet, Close Combat, and U-turn.
One of the most popular held items for Urshifu is Mystic Water, which boosts the power of its Water-type attacks. Other useful items that Trainers like to give Urshifu to hold include Choice Bands, Choice Scarves, and Focus Sashes.
Since Urshifu is such an offense-oriented Pokémon, it’s best supported by Chien-Pao, whose Sword of Ruin Ability lowers the Defense stats of all opposing Pokémon, along with Tornadus, who can boost Urshifu’s stats or attack power with moves such as Rain Dance and Tailwind.
One unique way to counter Rapid Strike Urshifu is by giving its opponent a Rocky Helmet. This held item works best on Pokémon such as Amoongus that can resist Urshifu’s attacks long enough to punish the use of Surging Strikes, causing Urshifu to damage itself with each individual hit against the Rocky Helmet.

Ursaluna is one of the more powerful Pokémon discovered in the Hisui region. Combining one of the highest base Attack stats in Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet with great offensive type coverage, the Peat Pokémon is a veritable beast in battle. However, it is somewhat hindered by its low Speed stat. As a result, Ursaluna is commonly paired with Cresselia and other Pokémon that can set up a Trick Room to turn the tables on speedier opponents.
In the early days of Regulation Set D, you can expect many Trainers to give Ursaluna a Flame Orb to activate its Guts Ability. This item–move combo allows Ursaluna to quickly raise its Attack stat and deal massive amounts of damage with Crunch, Drain Punch, Earthquake, Facade, or Headlong Rush. Ursaluna also has access to some strong setup moves, such as Swords Dance and Belly Drum, that can further send its Attack stat soaring over the moon.
To counter Ursaluna, it’s valuable to have some Pokémon on your team with natural immunities to its same-type attack bonuses. Ghost types are immune to Ursaluna’s Normal-type attacks, while Flying types and Pokémon with the Levitate Ability are immune to its Ground-type moves. Trainers could also target Ursaluna’s partner and take it down before the Flame Orb activates and turns Ursaluna into a major threat, even while it’s battling solo.

Goodra (Hisuian Form)
Out of all the new additions to Regulation Set D’s eligible Pokémon, Hisuian Goodra has the highest Special Defense stat—so good luck landing a one-hit KO against it. Many Trainers send out the Shell Bunker Pokémon to counter their opponent’s special attackers, especially Flutter Mane. But even against physical attackers, Goodra’s Shell Armor Ability prevents critical hits and is an invaluable counter to Rapid Strike Urshifu’s Surging Strikes and Single Strike Style Urshifu’s Wicked Blow.
One of Hisuian Goodra Trainers’ favorite tactics is to sharply boost its Defense stat using the move Shelter. Hisuian Goodra can then take advantage of this boost by using Body Press, an attack that deals damage based on the user’s Defense stat. Hisuian Goodra’s other commonly-known attacks include Heavy Slam, which can knock out the Ghost- and Fairy-type Flutter Mane in one hit, and Protect. Since Hisuian Goodra often stays on the field for a long period of time, Leftovers make for an especially strong held item, allowing it to gradually heal itself up turn after turn.
Great partners for Goodra include Rillaboom and Grimmsnarl holding Light Clay. Grimmsnarl can set up Light Screen and Reflect, further reducing the amount of damage Goodra takes, while Rillaboom can set up Grassy Terrain, healing Goodra at the end of each turn.

Zoroark (Hisuian Form)
Hisuian Zoroark has one of the most distinct Abilities on the competitive Pokémon scene: Illusion. This Ability disguises Zoroark as another Pokémon in its Trainer’s party. As a Normal- and Ghost-type Pokémon, Hisuian Zoroark can disguise itself and bait its opponent into wasting turns on a move it is immune to, such as Ursaluna’s Facade or Flutter Mane’s Shadow Ball.
Because Hisuian Zoroark is relatively frail, many Trainers give it a Focus Sash to ensure that it can withstand at least one powerful attack. Hisuian Zoroark truly shines as a special attacker, utilizing such offensive moves as Flamethrower, Grass Knot, and Hyper Voice. Its signature move Bitter Malice may be slightly weaker than Shadow Ball, but it lowers the target’s Attack stat in addition to dealing damage. Hisuian Zoroark can also learn support moves such as Helping Hand and Rain Dance.

Basculegion (Male)
Having recently journeyed upstream from the Hisui region, Basculegion boasts a high base Attack stat. It also learns some incredibly powerful moves in Wave Crash and Last Respects, both which benefit from a same-type attack bonus. Basculegion is particularly effective as a late-game sweeper because each teammate to fall in battle before it only adds to Last Respect’s terrifying power. Most Trainers choose to further strengthen Basculegion’s attacks with damage-boosting held items such as Choice Bands, Life Orbs, and Mystic Water.
Basculegion has multiple viable Abilities, but thus far Swift Swim has been the most popular choice under Regulation Set D. Swift Swim pairs nicely with any Pokémon that can set up the rain weather condition. Two common partners for this strategy are Pelipper with the Drizzle Ability and Tornadus with the move Rain Dance.
Note that unlike most Pokémon species, male and female Basculegion have slightly different stats. Competitive players typically train male Basculegion due to their higher Attack stat.

Sneasler is one of the fastest Pokémon under Regulation Set D and can further increase its Speed stat through its Unburden Ability. As mentioned above, the Free Climb Pokémon is often given a Grassy Seed to hold and gets paired with Rillaboom to activate it. With a great base Attack stat, Sneasler has proven itself to be a potent physical sweeper.
Acrobatics is one of the best attacks to use against a Sneasler holding a Grassy Seed, so many Trainers teach this move to Flying–Tera Type Pokémon to raise their damage output further. Other common attacks include Close Combat and Fake Out, as well as Sneasler’s signature move, Dire Claw, which has a 50% chance to induce sleep, paralysis, or poison. Sneasler also has access to valuable moves such as Quick Guard, Swords Dance, and Taunt.
Common Strategies
Whether you’re planning on watching the thrilling matches at August’s World Championships or jumping into your own battles following Regulation Set D, you should expect the following combinations to be popular at the start of the format:
Incarnate Forme Tornadus + Rapid Strike Urshifu: Tornadus kicks things off with Tailwind and Rain Dance to boost its Speed or raise its attack power, enabling Urshifu to out-Speed common threats and deal massive amounts of Water-type damage via Surging Strikes.
Cresselia + Ursaluna: Cresselia uses Trick Room to let Ursaluna move first, while Cresselia’s Levitate Ability protects it from Ursaluna’s devastating Earthquake attack.
Pelipper + Basculegion: Pelipper sets up the rain weather condition for Basculegion, whose Swift Swim Ability allows it to out-Speed many Pokémon while doling out a legion’s worth of damage.
Chien-Pao + Dragonite: This deadly duo dominated the playing field throughout Regulation Set C, but now Chien-Pao can team up with even more powerful physical attackers like Rillaboom or Urshifu.
Sneasler + Rillaboom: Rillaboom sets up Grassy Terrain for Sneasler, whose Grassy Seed held item in turn activates the Unburden Ability for a boost to Sneasler’s already-impressive Speed stat.
Grimmsnarl + Hisuian Goodra: Grimmsnarl uses the Light Screen and Reflect moves to bolster Goodra’s defenses, making it harder to knock out than ever before.
Parting Shot
The beginning of a new set of regulations can be both intimidating and exciting. I personally enjoy entering a new format because there are fewer “established” teams to follow, opening the door for a wider variety of viable Pokémon choices and strategies. We hope that this article gave you a “Helping Hand” as you train on under Regulation Set D. Good luck, Trainers!
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Aaron is a Video Game Championships (VGC) competitor, commentator, and content creator. He has been competing in the VGC since 2008. Since then, he’s won five Regional Championships and two National Championships. He has also qualified for eight World Championships and placed third at the 2013 Pokémon World Championships. In more recent years, Aaron has been focused on creating online content. He joined the live commentary team for VGC streams in 2016.